(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (2009)


Union Public Service Commission

IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (2009)


Q1. Marks any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you and write short descriptive notes on these places marked by you. 4×15=60
(i) Koldihwa
(ii) Kuchai
(iii) Utnar
(iv) Patne
(v) Semthan
(vi) Bagasra
(vii) Balatha
(viii) Hallur
(ix) Kandahar
(x) Ter
(xi) Uchh
(xii) Gyaraspur
(xiii) Uttaramerur
(xiv) Lalkot
(xv) Sittanavasal
(xvi) Mansura
(xvii) Jaunpur
(xviii) Daojali Hading
(xix) Machilipatnam
(xx) Mahisadal

Q2. In what ways are the accounts of the Graeco Romans and the Chinese helpful in reconstructing the social history of India ? How far is their information corroborated by other Contemporary sources.60

Q3. (a) Evaluate the various approaches to the understanding of vedic religion.30
(b) Give an account of the use of gold coins by commoners in the Gupta Period.30

4. Bring out the regional variations in the early South Indian Temple’s architectural styles.60


5. Write short essays in not more than 200 words each on any three of the following: 3×20=60
(a) Applicability of the term ‘ Indian Feudalism’ to early Medieval Society.
(b) Muhammad Tughluq as an agrarian innovator.
(c) Implications of Akbar’s notion of Sulh-i-kul.
(d) Estimates of population of Mughal India.

6.(a) How far can the village assemblies or communities under the Cholas be really called democratic.30
(b) Assess Kalhana’s views on History.30

7.(a) Identify the main factors that sustained the expansion of urban economy in the Delhi Sultanate.30
(b) Give an estimate of Akbar as a promoter of technology.30

8.(a) Give a critical assessment of the contributions of Amir Khusarau and Barani to Indo – Persian Literature.30
(b) The major cause of revolts against the Mughal Empire during the latter half of the 17th century were economic, rather than religious.” Discuss.30

2009-Paper II



Q1.Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each : 3×20=60
(a) “Though the Permanent Settlement had serious defects , it gave tranquility to the countryside and stability to the government”.
(b) “The Arya Samaj may quite logically be pronounced as the outcomes of conditions imported into India by the west.” ( Lala Lajpat Rai)
(c) “Please remember, in granting separate electorates we are sowing the dragons’s teeth and harvest will be bitter.” (Morley)
(d) “The annexation of Awadh shook the loyalty of the Sepoy’s , as it was for them an ultimate proof of untrustworthiness of the British.”

Q2.(a) Why was Mysore considered a threat by the British to their possessions and mercantile interests in the south ? Do You think that Tipu Sultan’s posturing became his undoing?30
(b) How did the East India Company became the dejure power in India?30

Q3.(a) How did social legislation in the nineteenth century improve the condition of women in India?30
(b) Analyze the social composition of the early Congress leadership.30

4. (a) Discuss as to why the congress accepted the partition of India in 1947.30
(b) Do you think that Quit India movement was a Spontaneous Revolution ?30

SECTION – B (World History)

5. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each : 3×20=60
(a) “The capitalism which gave the European empires their apparent solidarity and permanence also hastened their downfall.”
(b) “In all the long annals of Imperialism , the partition of Africa is a remarkable freak.”
(c) “Hitler did not really want a world War. His intention was only a short war with Poland.” (A. J. P. Taylar)
(d) “Arab nationalism and oil – these were the principal Factors in complicating the relations of middle eastern countries with the outside world.”

6.(a) Discuss the emergence of neo-imperialism in the late nineteenth century.30
(b) What was the extent of industrilisation in western Europe by the end of the nineteenth century?30

7.(a) How did Nepoleon Bonapart fuse the old France with the new ?30
(b) Why did Vietnam go through thirty years of war after the second world war?30

8.(a) Account for the overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia.30
(b) Examine the peace keeping efforts of the United Nations Organization. 30