(Jobs) UPSC : Recruitment of Various Posts in Various Departments August, 2013 "Advt. NO. 11/2013"
Union Public Service Commission
Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*) For Recruitment By Selection To The Following Posts
Recruitment of Various Posts in Various Departments August, 2013 " Advt. No. 11/2013
(Vacancy No. 13081101510)
One Professor of Sugar Engineering in National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
- Degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering of a recognised University or equivalent.
- Twelve years’ research/practical/teaching experience at degree level in Mechanical/Electrical/Sugar Engineering.
2. (Vacancy No. 13081102510)
Two Assistant Professor of Sugar Engineering in National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. Of the two posts, one post is reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining one post is Unreserved.
- Degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent.
- Seven years` practical/research/teaching/advisory experience of Mechanical or Electrical Engineering work in a responsible capacity, involving designing, erecting and operating up to date sugar manufacturing plant.
3. (Vacancy No. 13081103510)
Two Technical Officer (Instrument Engineering) in National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
- Degree in Instrument Engineering/Instrument Technology/Electronic Engineering /Electronics and Communication Engineering /Electrical Engineering /Mechanical Engineering of a recognised University/Institute or equivalent
- OR M. Sc. Degree in Physics/ Applied Physics with Electronics as a special paper from a recognised University/Institute or equivalent.
- Three years experience of Teaching/Research and/or repair/maintenance/overhauling of various instruments used in Sugar Industry or Sugar Research Institute of repute.
4. (Vacancy No. 13081104510)
One Assistant Engineer (Electrical/Mechanical Engineering) in National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. The post is exclusively reserved for Scheduled Tribes Candidates.
- Degree in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent.
- Three years` teaching experience at degree level in an Organisation/Institute.
5. (Vacancy No. 13081105610)
Two Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Computer Engineering/ Information Technology) in Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence. Of the two posts, one post is reserved for Scheduled Castes Candidates and remaining one post is Unreserved.
- Degree in Computer Engineering/ Information Technology from a recognized University or equivalent
- OR Master’s Degree in Computer Science from a recognized University or equivalent.
- Two years experience in quality assurance or inspection or production or development in areas of discipline related to aircraft and its accessories
6. (Vacancy No. 13081106610)
Three Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Electrical) in Directorate General
of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of
- Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent
- Two years experience in production, development or quality assurance in the field of Electrical systems and equipments in aircraft/missile/air armament and other airborne stores and related ground support equipments.
7. (Vacancy No. 13081107610)
Seven Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Electronics) in Directorate General
of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of
- Master’s Degree in Electronics or in Physics with Electronics as special subject or Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
- Two years practical experience in production, development or quality assurance in the field of communication, radar, navigation, electronic test equipments and electronic components.
8. (Vacancy No.13081108610)
Eighteen Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Mechanical) in Directorate
General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production,
Ministry of
- Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
- Two years experience in production, development or quality assurance in the field of aircraft/missile/air armament and other airborne stores and related ground support equipments.
9. (Vacancy No.13081109410)
Three Assistant Director (Official Language) in Central Board of Excise & Customs, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.
- Master’s degree of a recognised University or equivalent in Hindi with English as a subject at degree level. OR
- Master’s degree of a recognised University or equivalent in English with Hindi as a subject at degree level.
- Master’s degree of a recognised University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi and English as a subject at degree level.
- Master’s degree of a recognised University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi Medium and English as a subject at degree level.
- Master’s degree of a recognised University or equivalent in any subject with English Medium and Hindi as a subject at degree level.
- Five years’ experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or translation work from English to Hindi or vice versa preferably of Technical or Scientific Literature.
- Five years’ experience of Teaching, Research, Writing or Journalism in Hindi.
10. (Vacancy No.13081110110)
Thirty five Assistant Professor (Anesthesia), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- A recognized Medical qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part-II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part-II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
- Post Graduate degree qualification in the concerned specialty i.e., M.D (Anesthesiology), M.S (Anesthesiology), D.A(two years course), F.F.A.R.C.S(by examination) Specialty Board of Anesthesiology (USA) or equivalent. [For equivalence of DNB qualifications with MD/MS or DM/M.Ch, the candidates holding DNB qualifications would need to get their qualification verified by NBE as to whether it is as per the requirement of the Gazette notification No.MCI-12(2)/2010-Med. Misc. dated 11.6.2012 and produce such verification certificate at the time of interview].
- Three years’ Teaching experience in the concerned specialty (i.e.,Anesthesia) as Lecturer/ Tutor/ Registrar /Demonstrator/ Sr. Resident after requisite post graduate degree qualification. [The teaching experience in any other post like the post of GDMO/MO shall not be considered for eligibility purpose for recruitment to the Teaching posts]
Important Dates:
- Closing Date For Submission of Online Recruitment Application (ORA) Through ORA Website :29.08.2013
- The Last Date For Printing of Completely Submitted Online Application : 30.08.2013
How To Apply
Candidates must apply online through the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected