(Current Affairs) National Events | August: 2013
National Events
- Changes to National Rural Livelihoods Mission approved
- MoU for Improving Living Conditions of Destitute Women
- Life Saving Drugs to be Cheaper by up to 80%
- India Unveiled its First Indigenously developed Rotavirus Vaccine
- Board of Governors of MCI Reconstituted
- Inter-Ministerial Group to tackle Fraudulent Money Pooling Activities
- National AIDS Control Support Project Approved
- Monetary Assistance under IAY Hiked
- Approval for Women Self Help Groups to Get Low Interest Loans
- 6-Member Expert Committee to measure Backwardness of States
- Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Got Approval SC
- Age Limit for Financial Assistance under JSY for Institutional Deliveries Relaxed
- The Year 2013 declared as Water Conservation Year-2013
- Launch of the National Urban Health Mission approved
- Special Vaccination Programme in High-Risk Areas launched
- OBC Creamy layer Criteria raised to 6 Lakh Rupees
- MoHUPA Proposed Launching NULM