(Syllabus) Prelim Examination - Syllabus (Anthropology)
Preliminary Examination Syllabus - Anthropology
I. Physical Anthropology:
(a) Basic concepts: Mammal, Primate, Modern apes, Human evolution, Genetics,
Heredity, Race.
(b) Man’s place in the animal kingdom, Human skeleton, Fossil evidence of human
evolution, Racial criteria, Major races, Racial classification, Racial elements
in India.
II. Prehistory :
(a) Basic concepts: Artifact, Industry, Culture, Civilization.
(b) Plaistocene environment: Ice Age, Tool families Method of tool making,
Palaeolithic, Masolithic and Neolithic culture, Metal Age culture.
III. Social and Cultural Anthropology:
(a) Basic concepts: Society, Culture, Marriage, Family, Lineage, Clean, Kinship,
Tribe, Caste, Subsistence economy, Magic, Religion, Culture Change
acculturation, Evolution and Diffusion.
(b) Characteristic features of folk / primitive society: Forms and regulation
ofmarriage, Types and functions of family, Food collection, Pastoralism and
agriculture, Divination spell and prayer, Anisism and animatism, Totemism,
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