(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 01 November 2013



i) The government has drawn up plans to launch country's first all women bank - Bharatiya Mahila Bank - on November 19, the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
ii) The voters in MP and Madhya Pradesh will exercise for the first time the “None of the Above” option in the coming elections and in Mizoram electors in 10 Assembly constituencies will also exercise the Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) system for the first time.

Which of the above statement/statements is/are false?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii



i) There was an agreement signed between Pakistan and Iran for a gas pipeline and it could be called off by either party at any point of time.
ii) The terrorist outfit Alqaeda was behind attack in Tiananmen Square,China that killed five.

Which of the above statement/statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii



i) Govt cuts import tariff on both gold silver recently.
ii) Armed with greater powers to deal with defaulters, the Securities and Exchange Board of India recently began directing attachment of bank accounts to recover penalties from entities that have allegedly violated capital market norms.

Which of the above statement/statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii



i) By the turn of the century India could catch up with some of the world’s most affluent countries in at least one indicator of urban growth: garbage production.
ii) Russia has strongly criticised the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for failing to be impartial and breaking rules of consensus-based decision-making during recent negotiations.

Which of the above statement/statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii



i) India's Comptroller and Auditor General Shashi Kant Sharma has been elected to UN Board of Auditors.
ii) Novak djokovic is now at the top in men’s tennis rankings.

Which of the above statement./statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both iand ii
d) neither i or ii

These MCQ's Are Based On "THE HINDU"01 November 2013

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