(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 19 March 2014

(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 19 March 2014



i) According to the agency Standard & Poor, an increasing focus by India Inc on lowering debt is likely to improve their credit profiles.
ii) India Inc. is a common term used to refer to the informal sector of the nation.

Which of the above statement/statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii



i ) None of the Baltic states, like Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are members of NATO.
ii) Russia and Crimea signed accession pact recently and Crimea is now legally bound by rules of Russia.

Which of the above statement/statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii



i) Gravitational waves are a feature of the theories of relativity, and cosmic inflation is a feature of quantum mechanics.
ii) Cosmic inflation was hypothesized by American physicist Alan Guth for the very first time .

Which of the above statement/statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii



i) Jayalalithaa Jayaram ( CM of Tamil Nadu) is the most searched Indian politician on Google in 2013.
ii) ‘Reach the kitchen’ plan has been launched by BJP recently to woo women voters .

Which of the above statement/statements is/are true?

a) only i
b) only ii
c) both i and ii
d) neither i nor ii

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