(Jobs) Haryana PSC: Recruitment of Various Posts in Various Department | Advt.No. 3
Haryana Public Service Commission
Advertisement No. 3
i) Post Name: Recruitment to 99 temporary posts of Assistant District Attorneys in Administration of Justice Department, Haryana.
1. Essential Qualifications:
(i) Degree of Bachelor of Laws (Professional) of a recognized University.
(ii) Should have enrolled as an Advocate with Bar Council.
(iii) Hindi or Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
2. Scale of Pay: PB–2- Rs. 9300-34800 + 4600 Grade Pay + 200 Special Pay.
3. Age: A Candidate should not below 21 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 07.07.2014.
ii) Post Name: Recruitment to one temporary post of Editor (Class-II) in Labour Department, Haryana.
1. Essential Qualifications:
i) Graduate from a recognized University with Economics or Public
Administration or Commerce or Sociology or Law Degree with Labour Laws as one of
the subjects.
ii) Degree or Diploma in Journalism from any recognized University or
iii) Adequate knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit.
2. Scale of Pay: Rs. 9300-34800 + 4200/- G.P.
3. Age: A Candidate should not below 21 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 07.07.2014.
iii) Post Name: Recruitment to 23 temporary posts of Haryana Civil Medical Services (HCMS) Group „A‟ in Health Department, Haryana.
1. Essential Qualifications:
(i) Post graduate qualifications of M.D Degree or M.S degree of a recognized
(ii) Registered as Medical Practitioner with the Haryana State Medical Council
or any other council in Indian Union.
(iii) Five years standing in Medical Profession and Hospital experience after
acquiring the requisite qualifications or 10 years experience as Medical Officer
under any State or Central Government after passing MBBS out of which at least 2
years experience should be after acquiring the required postgraduate
(iv) Adequate Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit.
2. Scale of Pay: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP 7600 (Pay Band – 3)
3. Age: A Candidate should not be below 32 years and not more than 45 years age as on 01.01.2014.
iv) Recruitment to one permanent post of Scientist „C‟ (Group „A‟) (Unreserved) in Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Environment Department, Haryana.
1. Essential Qualifications:
(i) Ph.D. in chemistry/Environmental Science with (Degree in Science)/ Microbiology/BioChemistry/Bio-Technology with 6 years experience in the Central Pollution Control Board or any equivalent post in Government or reputed Institute/Industry (Large and Medium) or Central/State Government Undertaking.
M. Sc. in Chemistry/Environmental Science (Degree in Science)/ Microbiology/BioChemistry/Bio-Science/Bio-Technology
Engineering in first division with at least 8 years experience in the Central
Pollution Control Board or any State Pollution Control Board or in Government or
reputed Institute/Industry (Large and Medium) or Central/State Government
(ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
2. Scale of Pay: Rs. 15600-39100+6000 G.P.
3. Age: A Candidate should not below 17 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 01.07.2014.
v) Post Name: Recruitment to one temporary post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited reserved for Physically Handicapped (Partially Deaf) candidates of Haryana only.
1. Essential Qualifications:
(i) Bachelor Engineering Degree or equivalent from any Indian/foreign
University/Institute duly recognized by All India Council of Technical Education
with a minimum of 60% marks in Electrical/Electrical and Electronics
(ii) Must have passed Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
“a Degree/Diploma in any discipline of Technical Education including
Engineering & Technology, earned through distance Education Mode from
Universities/Deemed Universities/Technical Institutions is valid qualification
for initial recruitment as well as promotion, only if such Degree/Diploma
programme of technical Education conducted through Distance Education Mode
has been approved by the Joint Committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC vide its letter No.
PC/Dis. Edu. 2008/dated 22.12.2008 of AICTE addressed to Director, Technical
Education Haryana, the All India Council for Technical Education has
clarified that it has not given approval to
any University/Institution to offer UG, PG degree Programmes and Diploma
Programmes in Engineering/Technical through Distance Education model till date
(December 22, 2008). As such, no UG/PG Degree and Diploma in
Engineering/Technology obtained through Distance Education mode is valid for
initial appointment and promotion”.
2. Scale of Pay: PB Rs. 8000-275-10200-EB-275-13500 or + Rs. (9300-34800) +5400/- G. Pay.
3. Age: A Candidate should not below 20 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 07.07.2014.
(a) In case of employees of all Power Utilities of Haryana, age limit is
relaxable to the extent of service rendered by them in any Power Utility or the
State Govt. provided they applied through proper channel.
(b) Relaxation in upper age limit is also available to physically handicapped
candidates of Haryana upto 10 years for the Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes
and 5 years for General Category candidates.
vi) Post Name: Recruitment to 15 temporary posts of Assistant Town Planners (Group – A) in Town & Country Planning Department, Haryana.
1. Essential Qualifications:
(i) A post graduate degree in Urban & Regional Planning/Urban Planning/Regional Planning/M.Tech. in Planning (Urban, Traffic and Transport, Housing, Infrastructure), or equivalent making the holder eligible of associate membership of the Institute of Town Planners, India.
B. Tech degree in Planning from a recognized Institute/ University with two years experience in the field of Town Planning under a qualified Town Planner.
(ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
2. Scale of Pay: Rs. 15600-39100+5400 G.P
3. Age: A Candidate should not below 21 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 07.07.2014.
How to Apply:
The online application can be filled upto 07.07.2014 PM on 05:00 P.M. after that the link will be disabled. The candidates are strictly advised to apply online well in time without waiting for last date of submission of online application. No offline application form will be accepted by the office.
Important Dates:
- Closing date for the submission of applications online: 07.07.2014.
- Closing date for deposit of cost of application form in all branches of State bank of Patiala: 10.07.2014 up to 04:00 P.M.
- Closing date for receiving printed application form alongwith documents in support of the claim in Commission‟s office: 18.07.2014 up to 05:00 P.M.
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