General Studies Sample Practice Paper for IAS (Pre.) 2014 "Test - 2"
Sample Practice Paper for IAS (Pre.) 2014 "Test - 2"
Q1. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Kushavas & Kunindas never issued silver coins.
(ii) Chandragupta Vikramaditya was the first to issue silver coin.
(iii) Paper Rupees were first issued by Lord canning.
(iv) Our earliest coin was made of Gold.
A.i, ii & iii
B.ii & iv
C.all of the above
D.none of the above
Q2. Assertion : Vedas are also known as Shrutt Reason : Vedas have bee passed on from one generation to another through verbal transmission
A.Assertion is correct, Reason is Incorrect
B.Assertion is incorrect, Reason is correct
C.Assertion is correct, Reason is correct
D.Assertion is incorrect, Reason is Incorrect
Q3. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is true.
(i) Hathigumpha Inscription of Kharvela of Kalinga is also sources of Sangam
(ii) Wima Kadiplises, inspired by his teacher Parva convened a buddhist convict
at Kandalvana in Kashmir.
(iii) Greeks introduced Hellinistic Art into India, the impact of which can be
seen in the Gandhara Art.
B.none of the above
C.i & iii
D.all of the above
Q4. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Narsi Mehta was exponder of Lingayat Sect and wrote Vachanas.
(ii) Madhvacharya expounded the theory of Dwaitvad (Dualism) & was a devotee of
(iii) Eknath was the saint of Maharashtra Dharma.
A.none of the above
B.i & ii only
C.all of the above
D.ii & iii
Q5. Consider the following statements.
1) Treaty of Salabai was the outcome of Second Anglo-Maratha War.
2) Arthur Wellesley was the main Architect of Second Anglo-Maratha War.
Which of the above statements is / are true
A.All of the above
B.1 only
C.Neither 1 nor 2
D.2 only
Q6. Match the following Place Ruler
(1)Nagpur a) Bhosle
(2)Baroda b) Sindia
(3) Indore c) Gaikwad
(4)Gwalior d) Holkar
A.1 - a 2 - b 3 - c 4 - d
B.1 - a 2 - c 3 - d 4 - a
C.1 - b 2 - d 3 - a 4 - c
D.1 - c 2 - a 3 - b 4 - d
Q7. According to their Ruling period Arrange
the following Bengal Success.
1) Shuja-ud-din
2) Murshid Kuli Khan
3) Alivardi Khan
4) Siraj-ud-daula.
A.1, 2, 3, 4
B.2, 1, 4, 3
C.2, 1, 3, 4
D.4, 3, 1, 2
Q8. 13,.Consider the following statements.
1) The Seva Sadan was founded by Behram J. Malabari.
2) The Servants of India Society was founded by Tilak.
Which of the above statements is / are true
A.1 only
B.2 only
C.Both 1 & 2
D.Neither 1 nor 2
Q9 .Consider the following statements.
1) Rahanumai Mazdayan Sabha was a social religious reform of the Muslim in
2) Syed Ahmed Khan was the first Muslim President of congress.
Which of the above statements is / are true
A.1 only
B.2 only
C.Neither 1 nor 2
D.Both 1 & 2
Q10. Match the following Party State
(1) Labur Swaraj party A) Madras
(2)Kirti Kishan party B) Bengal
(3)Congress Labour Party C) Punjab
(4) Labour Kisan Party D) Mumbai
A.1 - a 2 - b 3 - c 4 - d
B.1 - b 2 - c 3 - d 4 - a
C.1 - c 2 - d 3 - b 4 - a
D.1 - d 2 - a 3 - c 4 - b
Q11. Consider the following statements.
1) Muslim League did not participate in
the First Round Table Conference.
2) Ambedkar participate in all the round
table conference.
Which of the above statements is / are true
A.2 only
B.1 only
C.Both 1 & 2
D.Neither 1 nor 2
Q.12 Consider the following statements about Abul Kalam Azad.
1) He was born in Mecca.
2) He was the youngest President of INC to hold that office.
3) Served Health Minister in Nehru Cabinet till death.
Which of the above statements is / are true.
A. All of the above
B.1 only
C.1 & 3
D.2 & 3
Q.13 Which of the following are known as power house of the cell?
B.Golgi Apparatus
Q.14 Consider the following statements.
(A) Sieve cells in plant transport nutrient in plants.
(B) Mitochondria contain DNA, hence capable of replication
(C) Sieve tube in plant and mature mamilian red blood cells have a nucleus.
Which of the above are true
A.A and B only
B.A, B & C
C.B & C only
D.None of the above
Q.15 All of the above
A.All of the above
B.None of the above
C.Only C
D.Only A & B
Q.16 Consider the following statements.
(A) Muscles have both Electrical & Chemical activity
(B) Muscles generally works in pairs to produce movements
(C) The movement of muscles in known as antagonism.
Which of the above are true?
A.B & C
B.A & C
C.All of the above
D.B only
Q.17 Which of the following are incorrect?
(A) Brain is Composed of there parts:- Cerebrum, cerebellum, & Medulla.
(B) Medulla is clossest to the spinal cord.
(C) Medulla is involved with theregulation of heave beat
A.C only
B.A & B only
C.B & C only
D.None of the above
Q.18Consider the following statements.
(A) Parkinson’s disease is caused due to dopamine deficiency.
(B) Alzheimer is associated with protein plaques in the brain.
(C) Huntington’s is caused due to malfunction of inhibitory neurotrans-mitter.
Which of the above are correct?
A.All of the above
B.None of the above
C.C only
D.A & B
Q.19 Consider the following statements.
(A) Damage to Broca’s area cause speech impairment but not impairment language
(B) Lesion to wernicke’s area impairs ability to comprehend written & spoken
words but not speech.
(C) Higher thought processes such as planning, memory are related to cortex.
Which of the above are incorrect?
A.C only
B.A & B only
C.B only
D.None of the above
Q.20 Consider the following statements.
(i) The spleen is similar to nymph node.
(ii) Spleen serves as a reservoir for blood purifies lymph fluid.
(iii) If the spleen is damaged a person is more susceptible to infections.
Which of the above are false?
A.iii only
B.i & ii
D.i & iii
Q.21Consider the following statements.
(i) AIDS is a collection of desorders resulting from destruction of T cells by
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
(ii) It is a retrovirus.
(iii) HIV selectively infects & kills T4 helper cells.
Which of the above are false?
A.None of the above
B.All of the above
C.i & ii
D.ii & iii
Q.22 Consider the following statements.
(i) Red Blood Cells are known as leucocytes.
(ii) White Blood Cells are known as Erythrocytes.
(iii) Platelets are known as thrombocytes.
Which of the above are correct?
A. i & ii
B. ii & iii
C.ii only
D.iii only
Q.23 Match the following:
Snake Location
(i) Sea Snake (a) Indian & Pacific
(ii) Pitviper Snake (b) Eastern Europe
(iii) Python Snake (c) Africa, Asia,
(iv) Rattle Snake (d) North America
A.i – a, ii – b, iii – c, iv – d
B.i – b, ii – c, iii – a, iv –d
C.i – d, ii – a, iii – c, iv – b
D.i – d, ii – b, iii – c, iv – a
Q.24Consider the following statements.
1) The rate of replacement of species along
a gradient of habitats is called beta
2) Deccan peninsula has the most
extensive coverage of the Indian
3) When we move from high to low
latitudes the biological diversity
Which of the above statements is / are true.
A.All of the above
B.2 & 3
C.1 & 3
D.1 & 2
Q.25 Consider the following statements.
1) In situ strategies emphasise protection of total ecosystem.
2) Jim Corbett National Park was the first National Park to protect biological
Diversity in India.
Which of the above statements is / are true
A.1 only
B.Both 1 & 2
C.Neither 1 nor 2
D.2 only
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