(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 06 September 2014
(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 06 September 2014
(i)Former Solicitor-General Gopal Subramanium has withdrawn his letter to
the Supreme Court opting out as amicus curiae in the Padmanabha Swamy temple
(ii) Mr. Subramanium’s report on the condition of the temple and its assets
in Thiruvananthapuram had created a storm.
Which of the above statement/statements is/aretrue ?
(a)Only i
(b)Only ii
(c)Neither i nor ii
(d)Both i and ii
(i)With funds from the World Bank, UNICEF has facilitated the delivery of
medicines and other supplies worth over $825,000 for the treatment of people who
have contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone.
(ii) The supplies include latex gloves, intravenous fluids, assorted
antibiotics and personal protective equipment, all of which are urgently needed
to fight the Ebola epidemic.
Which of the above statement/statements is/aretrue ?
(a)Only i
(b)Only ii
(c)Neither i nor ii
(d)Both i and ii
India and World
(i)This year's UN General Assembly session will be significant for India
and Germany, that together with Japan and Brazil form the 'G-4' bloc pushing for
UN Security Council representation.
(ii) Germany is also hopeful that the NDA government will reconsider the bid for
MMRCA fighter aircrafts, a $20-billion deal that is being negotiated with
France's Dassault.
Which of the above statement/statements is/aretrue ?
(a)Only i
(b)Only ii
(c)Neither i nor ii
(d)Both i and ii
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