Delhi University FYUP Row: Civil Services Mentor Magazine - September 2014
Delhi University FYUP Row
The FYUP Row is part of several ongoing protests against the implementation of certain controversial reforms at the University of Delhi. The protests intensified between 2013 and 2014, when a new four year undergraduate programme was started by the administrative authorities at the university.
In June 2014, the University Grants Commission (UGC) sent a legal notice to the management, directing the university to immediately scrap the four year programme and revert back to the earlier three year undergraduate degree, as it found the four year programme to be in violation with the National Policy of Education in India.
The programme was structured such that it would be inter-disciplinary, which was not the case in the traditional honours programme. The syllabus of the four year undergraduate programme consisted of eleven compulsory foundation courses, which included the following:
- Language, Literature and Creativity I
- Information Technology
- Business, Entrepreneurship and Management
- Science and Life OR History of Science (for Visually Impaired Students)
- Indian History and Culture
- Building Mathematical Ability OR Mathematical Awareness (for Visually Impaired Students)
- Governance and Citizenship
- Philosophy, Psychology, Communication and Life Skills
- Geographic and Socio-Economic Diversity
- Environment and Public Health
A few pointers on benefits with FYUP programme: Practical Knowledge: In the final year, students shall be expected to pursue two Research based papers/ Innovation projects, something which does not exist under the current framework for majority of the courses. Hence, the FYUP might encourage the assimilation of knowledge, and not just learning for an upcoming examination.
Integration of Sports and ECA to the curriculum: Students who often contemplate about leaving passion in these fields due to academics can actually stay on and pursue them and gain credits from the same. Heads up for encouraging extra-curricular activities!
Better opportunities for higher education: People who want pursue education at these places, opt to spend a year in other interim courses to bridge the requirement. With the FYUP in place, you would be eligible for applying fresh out of college.
Multiple degree options: While most people have been debating that the multiple degree option in the FYUP is meant to create disparity, the fact that the course gives a ‘choice’ is one to be appreciated.
A step towards an International model: Adopting the credit system leaves room for studying a certain course at your pace. We can also assume that soon like the international system, community work and internships will also contribute to your credit score. It’s about giving the student a choice of how they wish to approach their under graduation.
These are a few things that strike right about Delhi University’s four year programme. By stating these we don’t wish to contemplate that everything about the FYUP is great, but rather stress on the fact that apart from the negative debates, there exists positivity on the subject as well.
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