Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (24th October 2014)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains (24th October 2014)
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1. New government ` Act East' strategy is a step forward from previous `Look East Policy' to expand economic, strategic and socio-cultural partnerships with the region. Discuss
2. The year, which began in fear and uncertainty, has ended on a happy note, with optimism and capital gains. Last year India was in the middle of a crisis. Growth in gross domestic product fell in successive quarters. Inflation was in double-digits and seemed uncontrollable. Discuss the measures taken by government to check these problems.
3. The United States’ supposed grand strategy to thwart the rampaging Islamic State (IS) is seemingly in a shambles. Comment
4. India procures high proportion of defence products from abroad, indigenisation of defence technology is major is a major help for countries security and finances. Comment
5. Cleanliness is about a certain puritanical sternness, a prim, tight-lipped, aproned orderliness in which the clean-upper must feel scolded, vaguely guilty , even a bit impure. Critically comment
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