(Download) Gujarat PSC Mains Exam Syllabus - GS - I (Paper - 4) & GS - II (Paper - 5) "English & Gujrati Medium"
Gujarat Public Service Commission
:: Mains Exam Syllabus ::
General Studies - I (Paper - 4) & General Studies - II (Paper - 5) "English & Gujrati Medium"
General Studies – I PAPER : 4
1. History of Gujarat
2. The Administrative method followed by the best rulers of Gujarat
3. The role of Panachayati Raj in Gujarat
4. The cultural heritage of Gujarat: Art, Religion, Dance, Drama, Cinema, Music, Folklore, Folk dance, Handicrafts and Archaeology.
5. Dialects and literature of Gujarat. The effect of literature on the social development.
6. Social Reformers of Gujarat, their ideology and work.
7. Festivals, and its rituals , Attire and Ornaments, Fair and Pilgrim places of Gujarat.
8. Economy and Planning.
Indian Economy: Challenges in Indian economy – Poverty, Unemployment and Regional imbalance. Planning: Process-Types- Review of India’s First to Eleventh Five year Plans - Evaluation Social and Economic Indicators of Development , State and Local Level Planning. Decentralisation.
Economic Reforms: Background, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation – (Concept, meaning, scope and limitations), Economic Reforms of Central and State level. WTO Regime - Provisions and its implications and impact on Indian Economy, issues and problems.
International Trade and International Capital Movements: Emerging Trends in era of globalisation. Growth, Composition and Direction of India’s Foreign Trade. Foreign Trade Policy of India-Export Promotion. WTO and International Trade. Foreign Capital Inflows- Composition and Growth- FDI. e-Commerce. Role of Multinationals – International Financing Agencies – (IMF, World Bank and IDA). International Credit Ratings.
Measurement and estimate of poverty: Poverty line: concept and facts, BPL, poverty eradication measures – fertility, nuptiality, mortality and morbidity in India – gender empowerment policies.
- Factors determining employment: measures of unemployment – relation between income, poverty and employment – issues regarding distribution and Social Justice.
- Public Finance and Financial Institutions: Role of public finance
in market economy – Criteria for public investment. Quality goods and Common
goods- sources of revenue and expenditure (Centre and States) – forms of
taxes and subsidies and their incidence and effects –tax, non - tax and
public debt of Centre and States in India. Public Expenditure (Centre and
States)- Growth and causes. Public Expenditure Reform – Performance Based
Budgeting and Zero Based Budgeting. types of budget deficitsinternal and
external borrowings. Review of Tax Reforms at National and State level.
VAT., Public debt- Growth, Composition and Burden. Problem of States
indebtedness to Centre. Fiscal Deficits – Concepts, Control of Deficits –
Centre, State and RBI initiatives. Fiscal reforms in India – Review at
Centre and State Level. Financial Sector
reforms –new trends in banking- real and nominal interest rates – repo and reverse repo transactions. - Growth, Development and International Economics:
- Indicators of development –sustainable development-development and environment - Green GDP.
- Factors of economic development: natural resource, population, human capital, infrastructure- theory of demographic transition – Human development index – human poverty index – gender empowerment measure.
- Role of foreign capital and technology in growth of multi - national companies.
- International trade as an engine of growth- theories of international trade.
- IMF-IBRD-WTO- Regional Trade Agreement –SAARC- ASEAN.
9. Public Administration and Government Business:
Introduction: Meaning, scope and significance of public administration: Wudro Wilson’s vision of public administration: Evolution of the discipline and its present status: New public administration: Public choice approach: Challenges of liberalization: New public management.
Organisations: Theories-systems, contingency: Structure and forms: Ministries and Department Corporations, Boards and Commissions: Advisory bodies, Local Self Institutions, Headquarters and field relationships: Regulatory Authorities: Public Private Partnership.
Accountability and control: Concepts of accountability and control: Legislative, Executive and Judicial control over administration: Citizen and Administration: Role of media, Interest groups, voluntary organizations: Civil society: Citizen’s Charters: Right to Information: Social audit.
Administrative Law: Types or Meaning, Scope and significance.
Techniques of Administrative Improvement: Organization and Methods, Work study and work management: e-governance and information technology: management aid tool like network analysis; MIS, PERT, CPM.
Financial Administration: Money and fiscal policies: Public borrowing and public debt Budgets-types and forms: Budgetary process: Financial accountability: Accounts and audit.
Public Sector Undertaking: Public sector in modern India: Forms of Public Sector Undertakings: Problems of autonomy, accountability and control: Impact of liberalization and privatization.
Plans and Priorities: Machinery of planning: Role, composition and functions of the Planning Commission and the National Development Council: ‘Indicative’ Planning: Process of plan formulation at Union and State level: Constitutional amendments (1992) and decentralized planning for economic development and social justice.
State Government Administration: Union State administrative: legislative and financial relation: Role of the Finance Commission: Governor: Chief Minister: Council of Ministers: Chief Secretary: State Secretariat: Regional Offices.
District administration since independence: Changing role of Collector: Union – State- Local relations: development management and law and order administration: District administrative decentralization.
Civil Services: Constitutional position; Structure, recruitment, training and capacity building: good governance initiative; Code of conduct and discipline; Staff associations; Political right;Grievance redresses mechanism ; Civil service neutrality ; Civil service activism.
Financial Management: Budget as a political instrument: Parliamentary control of public expenditure: Role of finance ministry in monetary and fiscal area: Accounting techniques: Audit: Role of Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Rural development: Institutions: Rural development programms: Decentralization and Panachayati Raj: 73rd constitutional amendment.
Urban Local Government: Municipal governance: main feature, structures, finance and problem areas: 74th constitutional amendment: New localism: Development dynamics, politics and administration with special reference to city management.
Law and Order administrative: British legacy: National Police Commission: Investigative agencies: Role of Central and State agencies including paramilitary forces in maintenance of law and order and countering insurgency and terrorism: Police - Public relations: Reforms in police.
General Studies – II PAPER : 5
1. Ethics:
- Ethics: definition: subject matter: importance of Ethics in an individual’s personal life, in social life and in public administration.
- Elementary knowledge of ethical ideas from ancient Greek thought with special reference to Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicureans and Stoics.
- Main ethical teachings of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism.
- Moral teaching of Tiruvalluvar, Kabir, Raja Rammohan Roy, Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Vivekananda, Gandhi, Narayanaguru, Dayananda Saraswati, Ravidas, and Ravishankar Maharaj.
- Social reformers: Contributions of – Swaminarayan Sahajanand, Behramji Malabari, Mahipatram Rupam, Thakkar Bapa, Nanabhai Bhatt and Parixitlal Majmudar.
- Impelling forces of human actions: Human appetites, impulses or passions: desires: wishes: will: motive: intention: reason: and rational self control of emotions: prudence.
- Virtues: love, friendship, honesty, truthfulness, courage, fortitude, reverence, gratitude, kindness, sympathy, cardinal virtues, human values.
- Vices: anger, resentment, envy, vengefulness, hatred, greed, violence and lust.
- Character and its cultivation or moral self culture.
- Ethical Judgements: situation involving ethical judgements: ethical decision making: standards or criteria (including ethical doctrines) that guide ethical decision making; Right and Wrong: Good and Bed: process of ethical decision making, Ethical dilemmas.
- Ethical doctrines; hedonism: utilitarianism: duty or obedience to moral law (as opposed to expediency and self seeking): egoism and altruism: Kantianism: teleological and deontological moral theories: pursuit of moral perfection: moral relativism: moral objectivism: intuitionism.
- Sources of human morals: conscience commitment to rules, regulations and law.
- Role of Family, education and society in inculcating values.
- Ethics in public administration – various theoretical approaches.
- Justice and duties.
- Foundational values for civil service: integrity, impartiality, non partisanship, objectivity, empathy and dedication to public service.
- Tolerance and compassion towards weaker section of society.
- Strengthening ethical and moral values in governance.
- Accountability and ethical governance.
- Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct.
- Corruption in government – sources, causes and remedies.
- Jan Lokpal and Lokayuktas.
- Attitude: content, structure and functions.
- Relation of attitude to thought and behaviour.
- Social influence and persuasion.
- Emotional intelligence: concepts and their application in governance and administration
- Information sharing and transparency in government: Right to Information (RTI)
- Citizen Charter, quality of service delivery and work culture.
- Corporate Governance
- Utilization of public funds.
- Case study based questions
Energy: Conventional and non conventional energy sources – Potential of Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal and other renewable energy sources. Introduction to solar gadgets viz solar cooker, water heater etc. Biogas –principle and process. Problems of Energy crises, Govt. Policies and programmes for power generation. Nuclear Power Programme, Thermal Power Programme, Hydroelectric Power Programme, Power
distribution and National Grid. Agencies and institutions engaged in Energy security, Research and development. -
Computer and Information Technology : Role of computer in modern society , its applications in various spheres of life such as data communication, networking and web technologies, Cyber crime and its prevention, Use of I. T. In various services. Major impacts and prospects of I.T. in the various Programmes and services of the Government.
Space Technology: Indian space programmes, Indian Artificial satellites for telecommunication, television, education, broadcasting, weather forecasting, GPS, disaster warning. Indian missile programme etc. Remote sensing, GIS and its application in weather forecasting. Disaster warning, water, soil, mineral, resources development, agriculture and fisheries development, urban planning, ecological studies, GS and GIS.
Biotechnology: It’s potential to improve human life and national economy through agriculture, industrial development and employment generation, Biotechnology as an essential and important tool of natural resource development. Areas of application – Agriculture, Animal breeding and Veterinary health – care, Pharmaceutics, Human healthcare, Food technology, energy generation and environment protection etc. Role and
efforts of government in promoting, regulating and developing biotechnology in country. Ethical, Social, Legal issues related to biotechnological development, possible adverse effects of biotechnological development. Seed technology, its importance. Quality of seed. Different kinds of seeds and their seed production and processing techniques. BT cotton, BT brinjal, etc. -
Nuclear Policy of India: salient features. Nuclear Power as source of energy and its significance as clean energy. Problem of nuclear waste. Nuclear thermal power generation in India, its contribution to total power generation. Determinants of Nuclear Tests: Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998). Recent Trends in Nuclear Policy such as NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). INDO-US Nuclear Treaty of 2009.
Science and Technology: Development and its use and impacts in day to day life.
3. Geography of India and World.
4. Current events of the above points
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Courtesy: Gujarat PCS
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