BRICS Summit: Civil Services Mentor Magazine - October + November - 2014
The acronym “BRICs” was initially quoted by Goldman Sachs. It
was first coined in a report on growth prospects of Brazil, Russia, India and
China. According to the report these four countries have a great growth
prospects and they can become a major stakeholders in the world economy in the
21st century. Successful interaction at the margins of the General Debate of the
UN General Assembly (UNGA)in 2006 by four BRIC countries led the decision that
the dialogue was to be carried out at the level of Heads of State and Government
in annual Summits. First Summit was held in Yekaterinburg in 2009, in 2011 BRIC
formally became BRICS with the induction of South Africa. Now BRICS has
surpassed the reason for which it was initiated. Initially it was only in
economic sphere now has BRICS has become a promising political-diplomatic
entity. Till now total of six annual summits have been held by BRICS. After the
Yekaterinburg Summit, other Summits were held at, Brasilia; Sanya; New Delhi;
Durban; and Fortaleza respectively. Durban summit in 2013 lead to the conclusion
of first cycle of summits. First cycle has seen BRICS has come a long way, now
it has become a forum for geopolitical, economic, scientific and cultural
exchange. Initiatives towards reforming the international
institutions for better representation of BRICS has long been an agenda. Along
with that trade ministers also meet annually to expand cooperation on economic
and trade issues within the BRICS. Along with that BRICS also has health and
science and technology forum. In these forums ministers of health and science
and technology of BRICS nations meet and discuss the existing challenges.
Sixth brics summit was hosted by Brazil, in the city Fortaleza. This completes one cycle of full BRICS countries. Although Brazil hosted a BRIC conference in 2010 but that was without South Africa. Argentine President Cristina Kirchner was a special guest of the summit. Various issues and developments were discussed in the summit and four important agreements were signed, they are given below;
1. Treaty for The Establishment of a BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement
2. Agreement on the New Development Bank
3. Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation among BRICS Export Credit
Insurance Agencies
4. Cooperation Agreement on Innovation
BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (“CRA”) is between the BRICS nations. The Parties agree to establish a self-managed contingent reserve arrangement to look into any actual or potential balance of payment issue; this will also provide a mutual support and increase the financial stability of the countries. This Contingent reserve arrangement will also help in stablise global financial situation and it will complement the existing institutions like IMF.
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