Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains 2015 (28 April 2015)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (28 April 2015)
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General Studies - I "Syllabus Topic - Geography"
1. Elaborate on the causes and consequences of recent earthquake in Nepal.
Source: The Hindu
General Studies - II "Syllabus Topic - International Relations"
2. IBSA was visualised as the coming together of three great democracies of the developing world, all three, multi-ethnic, multireligious, multicultural, committed to the rule of law in international affairs and the strengthening of multilateral institutions. However it has not been successful as expected. Discuss the reasons behind its dismal performance. What in your opinion can be done to make IBSA a successful association?
Source: The Hindu
General Studies - III "Syllabus Topic - Indian Agriculture"
3. Everything else can wait but agriculture cannot, said Jawaharlal Nehru. Yet, Official records reveal that more than 2.96 lakh farmers have ended their lives over the last two decades. Analyse the reasons behind the agrarian distress and farmers’ suicides in the country.
Source: The Hindu
General Studies - IV "Syllabus Topic – Probity in Governance"
4. Economic decision-making can also be trial and error. It may also involve an element of risk taking. Does the 1988 Act adequately distinguish between an act of corruption and an act where a decision-maker makes an honest error? Discuss.
Source: The Hindu
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