(Audio Notes) Topic:"An interview with Pankaj Saran Indian High Commissioner in Bangladesh and later another interview with Dr. Gohar Rizvi ,advisor on the International Relations to the PM of Bangla Desh" 6 June 2015
Current Affairs Daily Voice Notes
Spotlight/News Analysis (6 June 2015):
- An interview with Pankaj Saran Indian High Commissioner in Bangladesh and later another interview with Dr. Gohar Rizvi ,advisor on the International Relations to the PM of Bangla Desh
- Interviewer - Melinda Dias, Prashar Bharti , Dhaka Correspondent
समसमायिक ध्वनि नोट्स (6 जून, 2015) के लिए यहां क्लिक करें
Courtesy: Prasar Bharti
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