Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains 2015 (22 June 2015)
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (22 June 2015)
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General Studies - I "Syllabus Topic – Geography"
1. Write note on distribution, uses and problems of black soil in India.
- Source: Geography of India- Majid Husain
General Studies - II "Syllabus Topic – Social Justice'
2. Write notes on how can reservation of seats for women in Parliament contribute to the establishment of a socially just society in India.
General Studies - III "Syllabus Topic – Bio-diversity and Environment"
3. Why drip irrigation is considered the most efficient method of irrigation?
General Studies - IV "Syllabus Topic – Ethics and Human Interface"
4. Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.(Oprah Winfrey) Explain the statement with real life examples.
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