Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 13 July 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 13 July 2015
:: International ::
1.consider the following statements about Kyrgyzstan
1. Kyrgyzstan is a land locked country
2.china does’nt touch its border
Which of the above statement is/are true
1) only 1
2) only 2
3) both 1 & 2
4) neither 1 nor 2
2. consider the following statements
1. China is number one merchandise trader in the world
2. China and Pakistan have jointly establishing Gwadar-Kashgar economic corridor
Which of the above statement is/are true
1) only 1
2) only 2
3) both 1 & 2
4) neither 1 nor 2
3.there are --- categories of lone in the newly launched mudra bank
1) 4
2) 5
3) 3
4) 2
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