(CDS) Restrictions On Marriage During Training
CDS : Restrictions On Marriage During Training
Restrictions on Marriage during Training in the Indian Military Academy or in the Naval Academy or in the Air Force Academy :
Candidates for the Indian Military Academy Course or Naval Academy Course or Air Force Academy Course must undertake not to marry until they complete their full training. A candidate who marries subsequent to the date of his application though successful at this or any subsequent examination will not be selected for training. A candidate who marries during training shall be discharged and will be liable to refund all expenditure incurred on him by the government.
No candidate for the Short Service Commission course (a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or (b) who having a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for admission to the Officers' Traning Academy/grant of Short Service Commission. Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such persons and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
Other Restrictions:
Other restrictions during training in the Indian Military Academy or in the Naval Academy or in the Air Force Academy : After admission to the Indian Military Academy or the Naval Academy or the Air Force Academy , candidates will not be considered for any other commission. They will also not be permitted to appear for any interview or examination after they have been finally selected for training in the Indian Military Academy or the Naval Academy or the Air Force Academy .