Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 09 August 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 09 August 2015
:: Miscellaneous ::
Q.1 Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched?
1) 1919 Act – Diarchy of the centre
2) 1861 Act – Portfolio system
3) 1935 Act - Bicameralism
4) 1853 Act – Governor General of India
a) 1,3,4
b) 2,3,4
c) 1,2,4
d) 1,2,3
Q.2. Consider the following statement about the Interim Government 1946
1) The members of the interim government were members of the viceroy’s
Executive council
2) The Viceroy continued to be the head of the council
3) Dr.Rajendra Prasad was designated as the vice-president of the council
Correct is :
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 1, 2
d) 1,2,3
Q.3 Which one of the following determines that the Indian constitution is federal?
a) A written and rigid constitution
b) An independent Judiciary
c) Vesting of residuary power with the centre
d) distribution of powers between the centre and state
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