Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (19 September 2015)
Daily Questions Challenge for IAS PRE (CSAT) Exam (19 September 2015)
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
1. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) The Temple Arthitecture or South Indian style of
Architecutre reached the pinnacle of glory during the Cholas reign.
(ii) Brihadeshwar temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram was built by Rajendra.
(iii) The system of canals in south is a contribution of the Cholas.
(a) i & iii
(b) all of the above
(c) none of the above
(d) ii
2. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Tiruvasakam was the Master piece of Tamil Literature
produced during Chola period.
(ii) The Tanjore temples have Murals on Puranas and Scutplunes of Rajaraja and
his Queen Lok Mahadevi.
(iii) The Cholas continued the Pratiharas architectural style.
(a) ii
(b) ii & iii
(c) 1 & ii
(d) none of the above.
3. Consider the following statements and mark the option which is correct.
(i) Firoz Shah Tughlaq created Diwan-ikhairat for helping poor
Muslim parents in the marriage of their daugthers.
(ii) Mohd. bin Tughlaq was known as a ‘Prince of Moneyers’.
(iii) Firoz Shah Tughlaq wrote in verses in persian under the name of Ghirlakhi
(a) i & iii
(b) ii & iii
(c) i & ii
(d) none of the above
4. Match the following
(i) Muftis A. Intelligence Agents
(ii) Barid B. Expounder of Law
(iii) Kotwal C. Minister incharge of Army.
(iv) Arz-i-Mamalik D. Head of city Administration
(a) A- ii;B- iv;C- i;D- ii.
(b) A- i;B- ii;C- iii;D- iv.
(c) A- iv;B- iii;C- ii;D- i.
(d) A- ii;B- i;C- iv;D- iii.
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:: CSAT (Paper -2) ::
"When this quite unknown young man of thirty appeared in Chicago at the inaugural meeting of the Parliament of Religions, opened in September 1890, by Cardinal Gibbons, all his fellow members were forgotton in his commanding presence.His strength and beauty, the grace and dignity of his bearing, the dark light of his eyes, hsi imposing appearance and from the moment he began to speak, the splendid music of his rich voice enthralled the vast audience of American Anglo-Saxons, previously prejudiced against him on account of his colour. The thoughts of this warrior prophet of India left a deep mark upon the United States".This iswhat is described y the great philosopher, Romain Rolland. Swami Vivekananda was born as Narendranath Dutta, son of a well known lawyer of Calcutta, Biswanath Dutta, and a very intelligent and pious lady, Bhuvaneshwari Devi, in the year 1863. Naren learnt the epics and Puranas from his mother. Naren was an all rounder. He could sing, was good at sports, had a ready wit, his range of knowledge was extensive, had a rational frame of the mind and he loved to help people.
He was a natural leader. He was a student of philosophy and story of God very much haunted his mind. It was in Sri Ramakrishna he found his guru. Vivekananda travelled extensively through India. He was shocked to see the conditions of rural India, people ignorant, supersitious, half- tarved and victims of castetyranny. It painedSwamiji to see Indians apingwestern ways and mannerism. Later he would call out of the nation and say, "Fuel proud that you are Indians even if your're wearing a loin-cloth".
He was not opposed to learning from the West, for he knew Western people had some great qualities and it was because of those qualities that they had become so rich and powerful. He wnated India to learn science and technology fromtheWest and its power ot organize and its practical sense, but, at the same time retain high moral and spiritual idealis.
1. Naren learnt the religious scriptures from
(a) his Guru-Sri Ramakrishna
(b) Biswanath Dutta
(c) Cardinal Gibbons
(d) Bhuvaneswari Devi
2. Which of the following according to Romain Rolland, was the impact of Vivekananda's speech at Chicago on his audience?
(a) The audience were so impressed that they forgot all other
(b) The audience developed a bad opinion about him because of his colour.
(c) The commanding presence of the audience had inspired him.
(d) The audience impressed him with their keen attention.
3. Vivekananda was grieved because of
A. Absence of knowledge and awareness among the rural folks
B. Lack of resources available with the rural folks to feed themselves
Irrational and unreasoning beliefs nurtured by the rural folks
(a) None
(b) Only A and B
(c) Only B and C
(d) All the three
4. Which of the following qualities of Naren show that he was fond of Social Service?
(a) His extensive range of knowledge
(b) His rational frame of mind
(c) His attitude to be useful to others
(d) His knowledge of the epics and Puranas
Write and Discuss Your Answer with Q.No in Comment Box at the Bottom of Post.
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