Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 16 December 2015
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 16 December 2015
Q.1- Which among the following is not an area used for tax devolution by 14th finance commission?
A) Area
B) Demography
C) Forest cover
D) Nutrition
Q.2- Which of the following are part of twin deficit?
a) Current account deficit
b) Fiscal deficit
c) Balance of payment
A) a, c
B) a, b
C) b, c
D) All
Q.3- Which of the following has been agreed in Paris climate deal?
a) Hold the increase in the global average temperature below 1.5 °C or well
below 2 °C above preindustrial levels by ensuring deep cuts in global greenhouse
gas emissions.
b) achieving zero global GHG emissions by 2060-2080.
c) equitable distribution of a global carbon budget based on historical
responsibilities and climate justice.
A) a, b
B) b, c
C) All
D) A only
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