UPSC Interview 2016 By Prince Garg (David R. Syiemlieh Board)
UPSC Interview 2016 By Prince Garg (David R. Syiemlieh Board)
Name: Prince Garg
Board : David R. Syiemlieh Board
Attempt : 4th
Qualification: Engineer
Interview Date: 4th April, 2016
My interview was conducted on 4th April, 2016 in second half. I was second candidate. I was little scared since my medium of interview was hindi but David Syiemlieh sir does not understand hindi and I m not fluent in English. There was facility of translator but I chose to speak in English myself. Here is a brief of interview based on memory:
I: May I come in sir
David Sir: Come in please.
I: Good afternoon sir, good afternoon sirs, good afternoon ma’am (the
lady member was sitting on opposite side so I had to walk further to see her
face and then greet her)
David Sir: Have a seat please.
I: Thank you sir.
David Sir: prince…interesting name, I guess if you were given a
territory of your own you can rule there, isn’t it prince (smile)
I: (I didn’t know what to say so I too smiled)
David Sir: prince, your name is interesting, tell us story behind your
I: Sir, as such there is no special reason behind my name; my mother used
to love me a lot so she used to call me rajkumar and then dad named me prince.
David Sir: Oh every mother loves her child; anyway what do u like
more, prince or rajkumar
I: (I thought for a while), sir, I like prince more.
David Sir: Prince, your hobby is to read karl marx,
tell me what do you read about marx
I: Sir, I like few theories of marx, the most I appreciate is his
materialistic views about life; he says our values emotions religion, education
etc all change with change in material conditions. I use his theories in my
everyday life to understand things
David Sir: Can you please elaborate prince
I: Sir for example in 19th century, railways were introduced in country
and railways made it difficult for people to practice caste system like a
brahaman and dalit had to share the same coach
David Sir: (interrupted) oh come on prince, religion caste system is
still there in age of airplanes.
I: right sir, but the rigidity of caste has declined
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David Sir: can you tell me difference between socialism and communism.
I: (here I made big mistake, I knew the difference well but I
unnecessarily made the answer long and he lost interest and changed the
David Sir: prince, why marx supported religion so much.
I: sir, actually marx was against religion, marx called religion a
David Sir: hahah, that’s right
David Sir: prince tell me where Marxian theory predicting communism
has failed
I: sir, it has failed in Russia, china and cuba
David Sir: Pls elaborate
I: sir, Chinese though still call themselves communist but they
introduced privatisation and open market right from 1970s and india did that in
1990, after 20 years that’s why we are 20 yrs behind china.
David Sir: (looked satisfied), prince you have written in your
application form that you like to write on feminism; at this he passed on to the
lady member.
Lady member: prince what are problems being faced by women and what
can be their solutions.
I: (don’t remember exactly what I said), ma’am Indian girls start facing
problems right from in womb- female foeticide; then they are given particular
toys like tea sets while boys are given guns; girls are socialised to become
teachers, nurses and even if someone reaches to higher posts, she is mocked for
example I have seen in my ministry where higher female officers are not taken
very seriously in meetings. For solution, we should start from education like we
may introduce a chapter on women in NCERT Text books, we need to change
mindset (at this David Sir interrupted)
David Sir: but prince educated people too harass
I: right sir but what kind of education we are giving in country, like we
are teaching engineering, maths physics chemistry commerce but no education that
how should we behave towards women, lower caste groups, homosexuals etc (I
intentionally used word homosexuals as I wanted him to ask questions on section
377 but he didnt).. (at this there was a silence)
Lady member: tell more steps to improve condition of
I: Ma’am we may feminise police little for example now women feel scared
to approach police when they are stalked/harassed…hardly 7% police personnel are
women; a woman will feel comfortable in approaching a lady station housing
officer.. (she was not satisfied)
2nd member: prince, what are your preferences of jobs
I: ips, ias, danips, danics, ifs, irts…
2nd member: isn’t it unusual
I: sir, I want to be in police that’s why I chose ips over ias. Its
because I feel police is one of the most corrupt organisation in country; there
are huge opportunities to work.
David sir (interrupted): prince you are lashing at police before an ex
director general of police (he pointed towards that lady member; now I realised
she was a cop).
2nd member: prince you have done engineering from delhi college of
engineering. Isnt it one of the best institution of country and now you are
working as an assistant. Why? Ok tell me why didn’t you go for Indian
engineering services
I: Sir, after completion of school, I ddint know what to do, everybody
was doing engineering so u too joined and the I realised its not what I
want; I cant give my 100% in engineering since I have no great interest in
engineering. (he was not convinced)
3rd member: prince, you work in ministry of shipping, which subjects u
I: sir I work in shipbuilding and shiprepair section; I also handle rti,
parliament question
3rd member: (interrupted) don’t tell me about rti,
parliament, only tell about shipping, are you working in same section for last 3
and half years; ok tell problems of indian shipping
I: yes sir I m in same section since I joined service; sir Indian
shipping sector stands at 11th rank in world; out shipping trade is hardly 1% of
world trade. Its because Indian shipbuilders don’t have funds; banks give loan
for 4-5 years but a shipyard takes 20 years to establish. Secondly, most of
shipbuilding work is done by sub contractors who use their own methods so no
uniformity. Also there was no political will to develop shipbuilding as they
were concentrated on roads railways but current govt is taking steps
3rd member: which steps
I: sir sagarmala is being reintroduced to use 7500 km long coastline;
further we are developing inland waterways
3rd member: how?
I: govt has introduced River information system where information can be
exchanged bw boast, vessels and coast; its introduced in Hooghly
3rd member: That’s correct (he seemed happy). Prince this room is
chilled because of AC, what if I replace AC with refrigerator here; room will be
warmed or chilled. And why
I: sir it room will get warm, its because the surrounding area of fridge
will be sink where it would release heat
3rd member: but AC too works on same principle. Ok tell me where is
I: sir its behind the body of fridge.
3rd member: where is it in AC?
I: oh yess sir, its outside room in AC
3rd member: correct
4th member: prince have u heard of UNCLOS
I: sir it is united nation convention on law of sea
4th member: tell us about it
I: (I was not sure but I didn’t say sorry and I started telling), sir it
says upto 12 nautical miles, the area will be territorial water of a country;
upto 200 nautical miles it will be exclusive economic zone where country can use
natural resources like fishery oil etc.
4th member: u didn’t tell main provision
I: sir I think the law says a country cant prosecute personnel of a
foreign flag carrying vessels…not sure sir
4th member: ok tell me where is dispute going on and why
I: in south china sea, countries are contesting for EEZ, maybe because
they are so close that their EEZ coincides like china Vietnam Indonesia
4th member: come on Indonesia is not there
I: oh yes, I m sorry sir, Indonesia is far away; I will read it after
going home
4th member: what if there is dispute between two countries and they
cant resolve, where they would go?
I: united nations sir
4th member: no, think again
I: sir is it international court of justice
4th member: yes, where is it
I: sir its in Hague, Netherlands. (he didn’t give any reaction)
Lady member: prince tell me one thing but my condition is that you can
not think, your response has to be immediate and honest. So tell me what
immediate change will come in ur life if u get this job
I: (i was perplexed but could not take time), ma’am agar ye job mil gyi
to meri shadi ho jayegi (at this everybody in the room started laughing, they
kept laughing for 1 minute or so)
David Sir: prince, what are the problems in indian police
I: sir, 19th century police is ruling in 21st century, we need to change
it, even the British govt had accepted in 1904 that Indian police is corrupt but
we didn’t change it
David sir: why its not being changed, is there any commission of
ruling of court?
I: Sir, various commission shave been formed but their recommendation
never got implemented because there is political will; politicians feel they
will lose power if police gets reformed. Sir, in 2006 Prakash singh had gone to
Supreme court which gave directions in this regard but not implemented.
A Member: what more reasons? Think, do u think police wants to be
I: oh yes sir, there is bureaucratic inertia, they themselves do not want
to change.
David Sir: prince, we can make you police officer to realise ur dream
but you will have to convince us that why have you chosen ips and danips over
IAS ad other class-1 services.
I: (I really don’t know how to convince him more)..sir I have interest in
police and hence I can give my 100%; I can do something while being in police.
David sir: ok prince, your interview is over, thanks for coming. Good
I made few silly mistakes like the question of socialism vs communism can be replied in brief and I could give more points when lady asked how would u improve conditions of women.. I was worried about my fluency in English and the fact that they should not consider me a leftist since I have written abt marx… no idea what will happen; people say David sir gives good marks.. it was my last chance, last attempt..i guess everything depends on how David sir perceived me!!
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