(Article) Why do professionals prefer IAS/ IPS ?
Article : Why do professionals prefer IAS/ IPS ?
A new subject has attracted
legislators, thinkers, journalists and one could say the economists as well. Why
should not we ban the entry of professionally qualified personnel into the IAS
or IPS Services ?
Some have argued that government spends, directly or indirectly, a lot of money
on the education of an Engineer or a Doctor and in case these professionals join
general services like IAS or IPS the hard spent government money goes into the
gutter. Good some thinking of the type has emerged to care for the state
It was even in the year 1995 as well that some candidates from the general
education side had suggested that engineering graduates should not be allowed to
appear in entrance examination for IAS /IPS/IAAS/IRS and such like services. The
reaction had been in response to the high rate of success in UPSC prime entrance
examination from amongst the candidates with engineering degree, even clear
walking away with almost 75 % of top ranks by engineering graduates ( doctors
etc were not named at that time because they did not figure at the rate as the
engineers figured to oust the generalist). The position is not much different in
2008.And now expenditures made by the society/ government have been talked
But the question that needs to be answered is …..WHY DO THE TECHNOCRATS
Better before starting such discussions those so concerned with the subject
would have asked the Engineers, Doctors, Post Graduate in Sciences, and the like
and more so the rank holders amongst these categories of technocrats from even
premier institutions like Indian Institute of Technology, BITS Pilani, IIMs that
why do they try all hards to enter the general services like IAS ( where minimum
qualification is any graduate degree) and let go waste the technical expertise/
professionalism they otherwise acquired through so much of hard work and
investment , even as acquired out of aims and ambitions ? have observed that the
engineering graduates prefer to enter IAS than to go for IES ( Indian
Engineering Service ) since they feel that the top seat of civil governance in
the Union Secretariat will generally be occupied by an IAS officer and not by
the IES( Indian Engineering Service) officer. Such views were expressed by one
of the engineering graduate who had ranked in top 5 of IAS list and had laid
preference for IAS and not Indian Engineering Service.
I had been investigating in this direction for more than 12 years now. And have
been able to work out some reasons for such type of thinking being developed. A
few years earlier in India we used to talk of brain drain to out side India and
it was reasoned that since the engineers/ scientists/ doctors are not well paid
in terms of cash and career in India that is why they attempt leaving for US/UK/
other countries. And now the question is of brain drain from professional bank
to the general service bank. The reason in this case lies both in Career
Prospects, involvement in governance of the affairs of the society and perks in
terms of monetary as well as social authority. The disparity between the IAS and
other Government services is so huge that any one would prefer IAS . This aspect
has been neglected by the Legislature as well as the executive all these years. READ
Courtesy : Americanchronicle.com