Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Antidevelopment Thesis)
Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Antidevelopment Thesis)
Study Kit for Public Administration for IAS Mains Exams
Online Crash Course for Public Administration Mains Examination
Mind Map Important Topics:
Antidevelopment Thesis:
1.1. Development debate
- 1.1.1. The conventional development model
- 1.1.2. The reformist standpoints
- 1.1.3. The radical standpoints
1.2. Framework
- 1.2.1. paradigmatic shift apply to social sciences or not
- 1.2.2. paradigm break with conventional models of development
- 1.2.3. actual divergence in approaches to development is narrowing
1.3. Objectives
- 1.3.1. The tendency to represent alternative development as a counterpoint
- 1.3.2. The tendency to equate development with modernisation and alternative development with de-modernisation
- 1.3.3. view and represent alternative development as an alternative external to the mainstream
- 1.3.4. All forms of criticism of mainstream development
1.4. Alternative Development Paradigm
- 1.4.1. growing demand for strategy and therefore theory
- 1.4.2. boost to alternative and ecological economics
- 1.4.3. failures of several development decades
- 1.4.4. challenges to the Bretton Woods institutions
- 1.4.5. strength of alternative development positions is critical
- 1.4.6. elements of the alternative development paradigm are contradictory
- 1.4.7. valorisation of indigenous knowledge
- 1.4.8. political advantages as well as disadvantages to a sharp break with mainstream development
1.5. Criticism
- 1.5.1. unfair criticism of capabilities of third world countries
- 1.5.2. failed to take us beyond the dualisms of modernity
- 1.5.3. tend to be rather vague about alternatives
- 1.5.4. focused on dark side of development
Study Kit for Public Administration for IAS Mains Exams
Online Crash Course for Public Administration Mains Examination
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