Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Problems of autonomy, Accountability and Control)
Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Problems of autonomy, Accountability and Control)
Study Kit for Public Administration for IAS Mains Exams
Online Crash Course for Public Administration Mains Examination
Mind Map Important Topics:
Problems of autonomy, Accountability and Control:
1.1. principal objectives of control over public enterprises
- 1.1.1. Attainment of national objectives
- 1.1.2. Attainment of targeted results
- 1.1.3. Promotion of efficiency
- 1.1.4. Regulation of power concentration
1.2. enterprises cannot be made entirely free from responsibility to the people
- 1.2.1. governmental controls intrinsically applicable to an industrial activity
- 1.2.2. protect the interests of workers and consumers
- 1.2.3. realisation of special needs
- 1.2.4. overall national objective
1.3. Ministerial Control
- 1.3.1. controls the fixation of prices of goods produced by the enterprises
- 1.3.2. approval of the government is required regarding the forms for maintaining the accounts of the enterprise and for their audit
- 1.3.3. empowered to appoint the chairman and members of the board of management and the managing director
- 1.3.4. Ministers are authorised to appoint a financial adviser on the governing board of a corporation
1.4. Parliamentary Control
- 1.4.1. Questions
- 1.4.2. Debates
- 1.4.3. Reports
- 1.4.4. Parliamentary Committees
1.5. Control through Specialised Agencies
- 1.5.1. CAG
- 1.5.2. Bureau of Public Enterprises
- 1.5.3. C&AG
Study Kit for Public Administration for IAS Mains Exams
Online Crash Course for Public Administration Mains Examination
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