(Paper) UGC- NET / JRF Examination Conducted by UGC in June 2007
Paper : UGC- NET / JRF Examination Conducted by UGC in June 2007
General Awareness GK (Second Paper)
1. Which novel has a nameless narrator?
(a) Moby Dick
(b) Anna Karenina
(c) Invisible Man
(d) The Grapes of Wrath
2. Samuel Beckett wrote -
(a) Volpone
(b) Mother Courage and Her Children
(c) A Doll’s House
(d) Endgame
3. Which one of the following author-book pairs is correctly matched?
(a) Elfride Jelinek - The Pianist
(b) J.M. Coetzee- Shame
(c) Saul Bellow - Herzog
(d) Salman Rushdie - Disgrace
4. The Plough and the ‘Stars’ was written by -
(a) G.B. Shaw
(b) Sean O’Casey
(c) Lady Gregory
(d) J.M. Synge
5. Willy Loman is a character in-
(a) Waiting for Godot
(b) A Doll’s House
(c) The Cherry Orchard
(d) The Death of a Salesman
6. John Evellyn and Samuel Pepys were the famous writers of -
(a) Editorials
(b) Letters
(c) Essays
(d) Diaries
7. The subtitle of Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel is -
(a) There was no subtitle
(b) A Poem
(c) A Satire
(d) A satire on the True Blue Protestant Poets
8. Who of the following is not a periodical essayist?
(a) Richard Steele
(b) Lancelot Andrews
(c) Joseph Addison
(d) Jonathan Swift
9. “Did he who made the Lamb made thee” appears in-
(a) ‘Introduction’
(b) ‘ The Tyger’
(c) ‘Chimney Sweeper’
(d) ‘London’
10. Which of the following thinker- concept pairs is rightly matched?
(a) I.A. Richards - Archetypal criticism
(b) Northrop Frye-Practical criticism
(c) Jacqes Devide - New Historicism
(d) Stanley Fish - Reader Response
11. “Essays of Eila” are-
(a) Economic disparity
(b) Literary criticism
(c) Political ideology
(d) Personal impressions
12. Which of the following thinker - concept pairs is rightly matched?
(a) Mamata - Vakrokti
(b) Abhinava Gupta- Kavya Alankar
(c) Bharata - Natya Shastra
(d) Vaman - Dhwanyaloka
13. Choose the correct sequence of the following schools of criticism -
(a) Deconstruction, New Criticism, Structuralism, Reader Response
(b) Reader Response, Deconstruction, Structuralism, New Criticism
(c) New Criticism, Structuralism, Deconstruction, Reader Response
(d) Structuralism, New Criticism, Deconstruction, Reader Response
14. ‘Peripeteia’ means -
(a) Tragic flaw
(b) Recognition of error
(c) Purgation of emotion
(d) Reversal of fortune
15. ‘Gynocriticism’ focuses on -
(a) Criticism of male writers by women writers
(b) Criticism on women
(c) Criticism by women
(d) Women as writers
16. Samuel Butler’s Hudibras is modeled upon -
(a) Don Quixote
(b) Endymion
(c) Annus Mirabilis
(d) Pilgrim’s Progress
17. Who was the last of the Christian Humanists?
(a) John Bunyan
(b) Oliver Cromwell
(c) John Milton
(d) Richard Crashaw
18. The narrative of Raja Rao’s Kanthapura is based on-
(a) The Ramayana
(b) The Mahabharata
(c) Puranas
(d) Shastras
19. Which of the following author- book pairs is correctly matched?
(a) Arundhati Roy - Algebra of Infinite Justice
(b) Shashi Tharoor - Trotter’s Name
(c) C.L.R. James - The English Patient
(d) David Madouf - The Cityof Djins
20. Who wrote ‘A tiger does not proclaim its tigretude’ ?
(a) Derek Walcott
(b) Soyinka
(c) Achebe
(d) Ngugi
21. ‘Jindiworobak’ movement relates to -
(a) Caribbean literature
(b) Canadian literature
(c) Australian literature
(d) New Zealand literature
22. The Montreal group of poets championed the cause of-
(a) Modernist poetry
(b) Imagist poetry
(c) Symbolist poetry
(d) Nature poetry
23. The figure of the ‘Abyssinian Maid’ appears in-
(a) ‘Kubla Khan’
(b) ‘Frost at Midnight’
(c) ‘Dejection : an Ode’
(d) ‘Christabel’
24. Coleridge’s statement that imagination “dissolves, diffuse, dissipates in order to recreate” relates to -
(a) secondary imagination
(b) esemplastic imagination
(c) fancy
(d) primary imagination
25. Who among the following is a writer of historical romances?
(a) Walter Savage
(b) Walter Scott
(c) Jane Austen
(d) Emily Bronte
26. Which of the following sequences is correct?
(a) Vanity Fair, Henry Esmond, Middlemarch, The Return of the Native
(b) Henry Esmond, Vanity Fair, Middlemarch, The Return of the Native
(c) Middlemarch, The Return of the Native, Vanity Fair, Henry Esmond
(d) The Return of the Native, Middlemarch, Vanity Fair, Henry Esmond
27. Queen Victoria’s reign, after whom the Victorian period is named, spans-
(a) 1833 - 1901
(b) 1837 - 1901
(c) 1840 - 1905
(d) 1843 - 1905
28. Pre- Raphaelite poetry is mainly concerned with -
(a) narrative and style
(b) narrative and nature
(c) form and design
(d) form and value
29. The concept of “mad woman in the attic” can be traced to-
(a) The Tenant of Wildfell- Hall
(b) Villette
(c) Wuthering Heights
(d) Jane Eyre
30. Who among the Victorians is called “the prophet of modern society” ?
(a) Ruskin
(b) Carlyle
(c) Macaulay
(d) Arnold
31. Who among the following is not a pilgrim in The Canterbury Tales?
(a) The Haberdasher
(b) The Tapyser
(c) The Blacksmith
(d) The Summoner
32. Bosola is the executioner in -
(a) The Spanish Tragedy
(b) The Duchess of Malfi
(c) The White Devil
(d) The Jew of Malta
33. The mystery plays deal with -
(a) The life of Christ
(b) The New Testament
(c) Psalms
(d) Apocrypha
34. The Faerie Queene is based on -
(a) Utopia
(b) Tottel’s Miscellany
(c) Morte d’ Arthur
(d) Orlando Furioso
35. Choose the correct chronological sequence of the following plays-
(a) King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet
(b) Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Hamlet
(c) Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
(d) Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth
36. Pope’s ‘Essay on Criticism’ sums up the art of poetry as taught first by-
(a) Aristotle
(b) Horace
(c) Longinus
(d) Plato
37. Swift’s Tale of a Tub is a satire on -
(a) Science and philosophy
(b) Art and morality
(c) Dogma and superstition
(d) Fake morals and manners
38. Dr. Johnson started -
(a) The Postman
(b) The Spectator
(c) The Rambler
(d) The Tatler
39. Who among the following cautioned against the dangers of popular liberty?
(a) Mary Wollstonecraft
(b) Edmund Burke
(c) Thomas Hobbes
(d) John Locke
40. Which famous American classic opens with “Call me Ishmael”?
(a) Rip Van Winkle
(b) The Scarlet Letter
(c) The Grapes of Wrath
(d) Moby Dick
41. Allen Ginsberg’s Vision of America is inspired by -
(a) Walt Whitman
(b) Robert Frost
(c) Ralph Waldo Emerson
(d) Edgar A. Poe
42. Who among the following represents the Sri Lankan diaspora ?
(a) M.G. Vassanji
(b) Cyril Debydeen
(c) Michael Ondaatje
(d) Arnold H. Itwaru
43. Out of Africa is a film adaptation of a work by -
(a) Alice Walker
(b) Margaret Lawrence
(c) Margaret Atwood
(d) Alice Munro
44. The Empire Writes Back was written by -
(a) Bill Ashcroft, Helen Tiffin, Ngugi Wa Thinngo
(b) Bill Ashcroft, Helen Tiffin, Stephen Slemon
(c) Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, Chinua Achebe
(d) Bill Ashcroft, Helen Tiffin, Gareth Griffiths
45. The Theatre of Cruelty is associated with -
(a) Stanislavosky
(b) Grotovsky
(c) Antonin Artand
(d) Eugino Barba
46. A particle is -
(a) A patchwork of words, sentences, passages
(b) A satirical poem
(c) A love song
(d) A collection of lines from different poems
47. “Careless she is with artful Care/ Affecting to seem unaffected” is an example of -
(a) Irony
(b) Paradox
(c) Simile
(d) Metaphor
48. A metrical foot containing a stressed, followed by an unstressed, syllable is - (a) Anapaest
(b) Iamb
(c) Trochee
(d) Dacty 1
49. The rhyme scheme of a Spenserian sonnet is -
(a) abba, cbcb, cdcd, ee
(b) abab, bccb, ccdd, ee
(c) aabb, bcbc, ccdd, ee
(d) abab, bcbc, cdcd, ee
50. Using the expression ‘Crown’ for the monarchy is an example of -
(a) Metonymy
(b) Synecdoche
(c) Irony
(d) Metaphor
1. (c), 2. (d), 3. (c), 4. (b), 5. (d), 6. (d), 7. (b), 8. (d), 9. (c), 10. (d), 11. (d), 12. (c), 13. (b), 14. (d), 15. (d), 16. (a), 17. (a), 18. (c), 19. (a), 20. (c), 21. (a), 22. (a), 23. (a), 24. (d), 25. (b), 26. (a), 27. (b), 28. (c), 29. (c), 30. (d), 31. (b), 32. (b), 33. (b), 34. (c), 35. (c), 36. (c), 37. (c), 38. (c), 39. (b), 40. (a), 41. (a), 42. (c), 43. (b), 44. (c), 45. (b), 46. (a), 47. (b), 48. (c), 49. (d), 50. (a)