(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1984)
Paper : IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1984)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Heat increment
(b) Digestibility
(c) Adaptability
(d) Growth curves
2. Describe briefly recent advances made in mineral nutrition and metabolism of dairy cattle.
3. Give the gross composition of milk. Compare the gross composition of milk of cows with that of
buffaloes. Why is it that the milk fat percentage is so easily influenced in a given species whereas the
lactose percentage is fairly constant.
4. Explain the mechanism of adaptation and animal behaviour under climatic stress conditions.
Describe the methods involved in controlling climatic stress in farm animals.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Production efficiency
(b) Specialised dairy farming
(c) Two-axis milk-pricing system
(d) Double-toned milk
6. What is 'Operation Flood-II'? Discuss in brief the dairy producer and co-operative marketing system
recently established in India.
7. Discuss critically the problems and scope of success of goat, pig and poultry farming in India.
8. What kinds of concentrated and dry milks, and ice-cream and frozen deserts are now available in
India? Also describe the santation requirements plant equipment used in making such products.
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Sulphonamides
(b) Gastrulation in mammals
(c) Chromosomal variations
(d) Coefficient of inbreeding
2. Describe how kidney functions as are one of the chief homeostatic mechanisms of the body?
3. Describe how you will maintain the sanitation and general herd health on a dairy farm having 300
heads of Jersey cattle?
4. Define "selection". Discuss the various methods or selection. Describe how you will employ various
selection aids in a pure-bred dairy herd?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Khoa
(b) Meat fats
(c) Prevention of Rabies
(d) Producing wholesome meat
6. Cream is received at the creamery for production of butter. Describe in brief the steps involved in
butter manufacture, giving the essential features of each step.
7. Describe the etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and control of Brucellosis.
8. Describe the exhibits you would prepare and the way you will explain the same to a group of women
to motivate them to keep cross-bred cows.