(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1993)
Paper : IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1993)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Protected proteins
(b) Transport and storage of iron in animal body
(c) Need for dietary essential fatty acids in pigs
(d) Grading of whole milk and cream
2. (a) Write down the important steps for preparation of artificial vagina prior to collection of
(b) Discuss the six important factors which affect the survival of spermatozoa after collection.
3. Explain the term "Biotechnology". Write in detail about the profitable application of biotechnology
in poultry feed industry.
4. Discuss in detail about the rumen fermentation of straw in adult cattle. Also state the effect of
feeding high fibre diet and high concentrate diet on the quality and quantity of milk.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Bomb calorimeter
(b) Limiting amino acid
(c) Recombined and reconstituted milk
(d) By-pass protein
6. What are the limitations of using Proximate analysis to determine feedvalue? How far Van Soest
method removes the flaws, particularly for cabohydrate components? Describe the broad outlines of
estimating lignin content by Van Soest method.
7. Define lactation, lactogenesis, galactopoisis, milk ejection and involution in dairy cattle. Describe
in detail the role of major hormones in regulating lactation in a cow.
8. Write down the schedule of feeding pigs with examples of feed ingredient
composition during.
(a) Growth - finishing stage
(b) Gestation period
(c) Lactation period
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Sympathetic and para sympathetic receptors in the body
(b) Cell mediated immune response
(c) Non-additive genetic variance
(d) Butter making
2. Define Heritability. What are the different methods of its estimation? Discuss their merits and
demerits and state how heritability differs from repeatability.
3. Name the important viral diseases of Poultry. Discuss the measures to be adopted for prevention and control of disease outbreak at an organised Poultry Farm.
4. Enumerate various routes of administration of drug and describe the routes useful in administration
of large amount of fluids.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Reciprocal recurrent selection
(b) Zoonotic bacterial diseases
(c) Insecticides poisoning in animals
(d) ISI and Agmark specifications
6. Enumerate different methods of breeding. State merits and demerits of inbreeding and out-breeding.
Give a suitable plan of crossbreeding, indicating area of operation, breed chosen and basic
infrastructure required.
7. What are various milk borne diseases? Discuss in brief their epidemiology, prevention and control.
8. What is primary induction? Discuss whether it is physical or chemical in nature and the role it plays
in the embryonic development of a calf.