(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry & Vetenary Sciences (2005)
Paper: IAS
Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry & Vetenary Sciences (2005)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Maintenance of Lactation in cows
(b) Sources, functions and requirement of Vitamin 'A' in cattle
(c) Factors affecting growth in buffaloes
(d) Production of Deep Frozen Semen in cattle
2. Discuss hormonal control of mammary gland development in heifer with suitable sketch/diagram. Describe the importance of early growth rate on mammary gland development. What are the factors responsible for milk ejection in cows?
3. What do you understand by balanced ration? How do we calculate nutrient requirements for a cow at three years of age, pregnant for six months and yielding 10 kg of milk with 4-0% fat? Suggest different types of green fodder crops to be grown in hot-humid climate of the country.
4. How do we estimate nutrient requirement for meat and egg production in 'chicken'? What is the difference between digestion of nutrients in chicken and pigs?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Differentiating points between mitosis and meiosis
(b) Breeding for heterosis in chicken
(c) Feeding regimes for bullocks during work and resting periods
(d) Management of newly born calf
6. What do you understand by Hardy - Weinberg Law? Discuss different conditions to maintain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Give a theoretical proof for Hardy - Weinberg Law.
7. Discuss the methods of estimation of heritability. How does heritability differ from repeatability?
Describe the method of testing preciseness of heritability. Uses of heritability may also be indicated.
8. Discuss different methods of out breeding. What is the breeding policy for cattle being used in India?
Write positive and negative points in relation to maintaining genetic diversity in cattle.
1. Write short notes on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Chemotherapy in parasitic diseases
(b) Slaughter house byproducts for pharmaceuticals use
(c) Importance of climate in animal health
(d) Respiration in birds
2. Discuss the following:
(a) Diagnostic methods for viral diseases.
(d) Reasons for failure of vaccination in animals.
3. Describe etiology, diagnosis and prevention of foot and mouth disease. Also discuss its economic significance.
4. Discuss various methods adopted to educate farmers under rural conditions for effective
implementation of animal husbandry programmes.
5. Write short notes on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Biochemical tests for urinary dysfunction.
(b) Grading of milk and milk products.
(c) Occupational zoonotic health hazards.
(d) Cured meat products.
6. Give detailed account of the following:
(a) Different modes of action of antibacterial antibiotics,
(b) Symptoms and surgical interference in fractures.
7. Discuss the application of epidemiological measures in prevention and control of air and water borne infections.
8. Describe and discuss deficiency diseases in pregnant cows, their preventive measures and control.