(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1969)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1969)
1. Explain the statement that sociology is not just common sense. What are the goals of sociology? Is it a science?
2. Discuss in detail religion as one of the most effective means of social control.
3. What influence do biologically given factors have OB social behaviour?
4. Explain the connection between needs and culture.
5. Identify some of the propaganda techniques used in advertisement in newspapers.
6. Describe briefly the main features and tendencies of the Sarvoday Movement and point our its major achievements.
7. What factors operate to produce obedience to social norms. What happens to them under conditions of social change?
8. What is meant by integration of a society? What are some of the factors influencing integration?
9. Explain: 'All population changes can be reduced to four variable-fertility, mortality, immigration and emigration.
10. Distinguish clearly between (only three of the following need be attempted):-
(a) Crow-public,
(b) In group-out group.
(c) Social-categories-associations.
(d) Family of orientation-family of procreation.
11. Discuss: A mechanical invention may bring about a series of social innovations. Give Indian illustrations.
12. What are the main problems of urbanism and urbanization? What measures are being or should be
adopted to solve them?
1. Explain what is meant by function, functional integration and normative integration. Attempt a brief examination of the problem of Indian national integration from the point of view of structure function theory.
2. What do you understand by social system? How is the system maintained usually?
3. Whom would you consider the greatest living sociologist? Name his works and support your answer with a brief description of his contribution, to sociology.
4. Appraise the relative advantages and disadvantages of the conjugal and consanguine patterns of family organization.
5. Discuss the role of the Calvinists, Jews and Marwaris in the development of capitalism in their respective areas of influence.
6. Discuss the long-run and short-run consequences of automation in industrialized and also developing countries.
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire as a research tool? Base your answer, if possible, on your own or Indian experience.
8. 'Social statistics reveals that nature and complexity of cultural problems.' Explain and illustrate by giving examples mainly from Indian conditions.
9. Who were the eminent thinkers, and how, did they influence profoundly the ideas and ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi.
10. Give an appraisal of the concept of Sanskritization in the light of the reference group theory,
11. What do the changing shapes of the population pyramid signify? Construct a rough population pyramid of the U.S.A. or the U.K. and compare it with that for India.
12. Write short notes on any three of the following:-
(a) Structural interview
(b) Cultural lag.
(c) Ethnocentrism
(d) Hypothesis testing
(e) Sociological experiment
(f) Law as an agency of change.