(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1971)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1971)


1. In what significant way, if at all, has your understanding of Indian society gained through your study of sociology?

2. Point out some of the striking demographic features of the Indian population and bring out their sociological Implications.

3. How are the roles of older people in India changing at present? Relate these changes to changes in society.

4. Explain with examples the concept of idle.

5. Give a brief outline of the methods by which sociologists gain an understanding of social stratification.

6. Explain how social structure and culture offer resistance to innovation.

7. What are the characteristics of ritual as religious action?

8. 'Polyandry seems to be associated with poor economic conditions. 'Discuss this with Indian of Tibetan examples.

9. Explain the following Statement: 'Norms are based on cultural values.

10. What does the individual get out of his primary group?

11. Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Operational concepts,
(b) Interest.
(c) Ultimogeniture.
(d) Adult socialization,
(e) Destitution.

12. What is the distinctive contribution of Karl Marx to the study of social change? Is it possible to analyze social change in India in terms of his contribution?


1. Define 'human nature' and show bow it is related to culture.

2 Illustrate the uses of sociology with reference to any one of its applied fields.

3. Discuss how law can initiate social reform.

4. 'Does social stratification in India or elsewhere impress you as a deliberately and rationally planned method of getting the society's job done ? Substantiate your stand on this question.

5. Indicate the social dimensions of the communication process.

6. Discuss the factors that produce juvenile delinquency in India.

7. The education system may maintain a traditional system of social status or conversely it may work to alter the distribution of statutes. Examine which of the two trends in facilitated by the system of education currently in vogue in India.

8. Give an account of social relations under feudalism. On the basis of jour knowledge of rural and tribal communities, attempt to identify feudal survivals in Indian social relations.

9. What do you understand by public opinion?

10. What, according to Weber, are the characteristics of bureaucracies?

11. Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a) Mass culture.
(b) Quasi-groups.
(c) Self-fulfilling prophecy.
(d) Unforeseen consequences of planned changes.
(e) Institutional inertia.