(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1972)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1972)
1. Distinguish between sociology and social anthropology. How far is the distinction relevant in non-
Western societies?
2. How are the concepts of social role and social structure related to each other?
3. Distinguish between law and custom. Discuss the ways in which customs obstruct the
implementation of social legislation in India.
4. Discuss the impact of the green revolution and land reforms on social stratification in rural India.
5. Discuss the view that religion has only taken new forms rather than declined in modern society.
6. Analyze the changes taking place in the selection of a marital partner in India. Assess the extent of
the changes and their impact on other social institutions.
7. Describe the salient features of the matrilineal kinship system of the Nayars of Kerala. What is the
place of the Nayar example in the general theory of kinship?
8. Discuss the changing character of leadership in rural India. How have these changes affected the
nature of legislative bodies in the country?
9. Point out the striking differences in the demographic features of rural and urban areas in India.
10. 'Culture is the third term between man and nature Discuss.
11. 'Freedom is essential for existence, survival, and growth of sociology'. Discuss.
1. What in your view should be the shape of the science of sociology? What are the impediments in
creating such a science, and how could we overcome them?
2. Show how sociological theorists have dealt with the problem of continuity and change in social
3. Discuss the view that conflict is not always dysfunctional.
4. What is participant observation? What are its potentialities and limitations in promoting sociological
5. Delineate the attempts made to tackle the problem of caste in India by constitutional and other legal
means. How far have these attempts been successful and why?
6. Examine the social roots of the leadership of Buddha and Gandhi. How far is it possible to consider
these two as charismatic leaders?
7. Examine the Weberian hypothesis regarding the relational between religion and economic
development, with particular reference to India.
8. 'Education not only supports but also creates inequality'. Discuss.
9. How far is it possible to divide the societies in the 'world into those following the system of the
nuclear family and those following the system of the extended or joint family? Is there an inevitable
trend of change from the latter to the former?
10. Discuss the role of bureaucracy in the growth of democratic institutions in rural society.
11. Assess the utility of the concept of Sanskritization in understanding Indian society and culture.