(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1974)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1974)
1. Is society a natural phenomenon and sociology a natural science? Discuss.
2. "Although the myth of race has been exploded by modern science, racism is widespread in the
modern world". Comment
3. Explain the concept of social structure. Describe 'briefly the social structure of any one of the
following: an Indian village, a modern factory, a political party.
4. How does the society ensure observance of social norms? How are the deviations from norms dealt
5. Discuss the structure and functions of religious institutions with reference to India. Explain the role
of rituals in religion.
6. Distinguish between caste and class. Analyse the salient features and role of the middle class in
7. Discuss the nature of social mobility in the caste system.
8. Discuss the impact of industrialization and urbanization on family in India.
9. What do you mean by planned social change and explain how these are effected in the Indian
10. How do you distinguish between "traditional” and "modern" societies? Analyze
the traditional forces which are arranging modernization processes in India.
11. Write short notes on any three of the following:
(i) Evolutionism.
(ii) Emile Durkheim
(iii) Cross cousin marriage,
(iv) Matrilineal kinship,
(v) Primary groups.
1. Is it possible to arrive at universal generalizations in sociology? Discuss this problem with particular
reference to, the development of sociology in the Third World.
2. Explain the concept of role and discuss its importance e to the theory of social structure.
3. Who are scheduled castes and what are their problems? Analyze the changes that have taken place
among scheduled castes since 1947.
4. Critically examine Dutkheim's contributions to sociology.
5. Who are the elites? Analyse their role in the developing societies.
6. Explain the concepts of "great tradition" and "little tradition". Show how these two traditions are
interwoven in Indian civilization.
7. What are micro-sociology and macro-sociology? HOKV could the two be related?
8. Examine Max Weber's view that bureaucracy is the roost rational and efficient instrument for
achieving the goals of the government.
9. Discuss the role of caste in politics in post-independence India.
10. Show how the academic development of students is influenced by the social background from which
they come and the social character of the educational institutions which they attend.
11. Write short notes an any three of the following with special reference to India :
(i) Child marriage,
(ii) Hypergamy,
(iii) Panchayati Raj,
(iv) Urban community,
(v) Agrarian reforms.