(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1985)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1985)
PAPER - I- Sociology-1985 (Mains)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Sociology is a science of society.
(b) Research Design.
(c) Interview as a method of social research.
(d) Religion and society.
2. Discuss the contributions of Durkheim to sociology. How far did his methodology influence
sociological traditions?
3. How does culture influence personality? Can personality influence culture? How?
4. What are the agencies of social control? Which is the most" effective one in a democratic society?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Planned development in a democracy
(b) Power
(c) Social Mobility
(d) Youth Culture.
6. Has development been successful in removing poverty? Can you relate development to progress?
7. Can education be considered as an agent 'of social change? In what manner can it establish a new
social order?
8. How is Marxism relevant to developing nations? Will it be able to establish classless societies?
PAPER - II- Sociology-1985 (Mains)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following is, more than 200 words each :
(a) Divorce among the Muslims.
(b) Protective discrimination: its sociology and politics.
(c) Kula, Vansa and Gotra.
(d) Inequality in the agrarian social structure.
2. Comment on the distinction between 'hierarchy' 'social stratification'. Which of the two will be a
more appropriate term to describe the caste system and why?
3. Discuss the process of social mobility in the caste term commonly described as sanskritization and
westernization. Have they effected any structural change in the tern?
4. Examine the impact of recent social legislation on Hindu marriage and family with special reference
to the status women.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in more than 200 words each:
(a) Education for social equality.
(b) Planning for the rural poor: IRDP and NREP.
(c) Religious and ethnic conflict in India.
(d) Servodava as a social movement.
6. What is the link between industrialization and urbanization? What happens when
urbanization outstrips Industrialization? Answer with reference to India.
7. Discuss the salient features of the demographication in India. What are the prospects of reducing the
birth rate and stabilising it in the near feature?
8. How far is generational disaffiliation responsible for youth activism in India? Why is the Indian
youth failing to respond to the national challenges?