(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1990)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1990)
Paper -I- History-1990 (Mains)
Section A
1. Write short essays of not more than 200 word each on any three of the following:
(a) The formulation of social system in the later Vedic period
(b) The Maurya policy of regulating and controlling economic activities
(c) Indian participation in the silk trade through Central Asia
(d) The economic prosperity in the Gupta period.
2. ‘The Indus civilization did not have an abrupt appearance.’ Discuss the statement. How does the Indus civilization stand, in view of its geographical expansion and chronology, in relations to the Vedic civilization?
3. Trace the rise of Magadhan imperialism up to the times of the Nandas with particular reference to its policy towards the non-monarchical state. Discuss the factors that contributed to its success.
4. Make a comparative study of the administrative system and development of art under the Pallavas of Kanchi and the Chalukyas of Vatapi.
Section B
5. Mark any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you. Also give brief descriptive
notes on the places marked on the map:
(i) Ahmadnagar
(ii) Badaun
(iii) Baran
(iv) Bhatnair
(v) Bidar
(vi) Chunar
(vii) Daman
(viii) Gangaikon-dacholapuram
(ix) Hansi
(x) Jajnagar
(xi) Jaunpur
(xii) Junagadh
(xiii) kalyani
(xiv) Kanhwa
(xv) Lakhnawati
(xvi) Mahoba
(xvii) Madura
(xviii) Malkhed
(xix) Mandu
(xx) Masulipatam
(xxi) Ranthambore
(xxii) Sahasaram
(xxiii) Sandabur
(xxiv) Serampur
(xxv) Srirangapatnam
(xxvi) Talakad
(xxvii) Thatta
(xxix) Uttaramerur
(xxx) Warangal
6. ‘Sankaracharya brought about a synthesis of ideas and philosophies.’ Discuss the statement and analyses the historical significance of his life and throught.
7. ‘Firuz Tugluq has been overshadowed by Muhammad Tughluq.’ In the light of this statement evaluate the significance of the policies and actions of Firuz Tughluq.
8. ‘In medieval Indian history Akbar is unique for his religiopolitical ideas and policies.’ Discuss the
statement and compare Akbar with Sher Shah in regard to their administrative policies and revenue
Paper - II- History-1990 (Mains)
Section A
1. Comment an any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘We have no right to seize Sind, yet we shall do so, and a very advantageous, useful and
human piece of rascality it will be.’
(b) ‘The hey-day of the British power in India was also the high noon of laissez faire’ economic
(c) ‘The new India was not to be built up, as late nineteenth century patriots had thought, by
copious draught from the past, but rather by frequent injections from the energetic
contemporary west.’
(d) ‘Lord Mountbatten came with an order to orgarlise retreat, in military
parlance an operation.’
2. The roots of the Moplah uprising (1921) were clearly agrarian. Do you agree?
3. What was the Anglicisit-Orientalist controversy about? How was it resolved and with what results?
4. ‘The National Movement has shown concern for problems other than the constitutional one.’ Discuss the factors that helped the rise of a left wing in the Indian National Congress.
Section B
5. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘The Renaissance was the discovery of the world arid of man.’
(b) ‘The American war of Independence transformed Europeans as well as America.’
(c) ‘The Industrial Revolution put mobility in the place of stability.’
(d) ‘The comparison between Caviar’s and Bismarck’s achievements reveals ‘striking points of
resemblance and no less striking points of dissimilarity.’
6. What issues involved in the conflict between the King and Parliament in England in the seventeenth century? Discuss.
7. The treaties made at the Paris Peace conference in 1919-20 were replete with unstable compromises, reflecting more materialism than idealism. Elucidate.
8. How did the Japanese occupation of South-East Asian countries during the Second World War give a boost to nationalize in the regions? Explain with examples.