(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1997)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1997)
Paper-I- History-1997 (Mains)
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section . All questions carry equal marks.
Section A
1. Write short essays of not more than 200 words each on any three of the following topics :
(a) Vedic rituals
(b) The architectural and artistic features of the great stupa at Sanchi
(c) Skandagupta’s war with the Hunas
(d) Nalanda Mahavihara
2. "The continuity of the Indus Civilization into later ages was not confined to the religious and spiritual fields alone." Analyse the statement.
3. Assess the achievements of the Pallavas in administration and art.
4. How did Indian culture spread in the South-east Asiatic countries during the Gupta Age ?
Section B
5. Mark any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you and write brief historical notes on the places marked by you on the map.
(1) Amarkot(2) Asirgarh (3)Aurangabad (4) Belur (5) Burhanpur (6) Chanderi (7) Chandernagar (8) GoIkunda (9) Hansi
(10) Janjira (11) Jaunpur (12) Junagarh (13) Kanchi (14) Kandahar (15) Kannauj (16) Kara (17) Kaveripattinam (18) Konark
(19) Multan (20) Mursidabad (21) Nagpur (22) Nasilk (23) Puri (24) Rajahmundry (25) Ratnagiri (26) Satara (27) Talikota
(28) Tiruchirapalli (29) Vatapi (30) Vengi
6. “Achieving dominance in the south of the Vindbyas did not satisfy the ambitions of the Rashtrakutas, they also wanted to achieve dominance over the Gangetic PIains."Elaborate and comment.
7. Discuss the implications of Khilji imperialism with reference to administration and economic regulations on the State and peopIe of India.
8. Highlight the catholicity of Akbar's regime with suitable examples.
Paper-II- History-1997 (Mains)
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum marks : 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section .
All questions carry equal marks.
Section A (Modern India)
1. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each :
(a) The British conquered India “in a fit of absent mind ness".
(b) The Permanent settlement was a “bold, brave and wise measures.”
(c) Curzon's partition of Bengal gave the unwitting initiative to events of magnitude and returned many years later to port with the cargo of freedom.”
(d) India broke her British fetters with western hammers.
2. The 19th century Indian renaissance was both an acceptance and rejection of western values. Do you agree ?
3. Tribal movements should be viewed as “History from below”. Discuss the objects and nature of the movements in 19th century India.
4. Account for the rise and growth of leftism in the Coogress movement. What impact did it have on contemporary Indian politics ?
Section B (World History)
5. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each :
(a) “The Peace of Westphalia the region of theology over the European mind and left the road obstructed but passable for the
tentative of reason.”
(b) “If monarchical misrole ignited the French revolution, lofty ideas both inspired and
sustained it.”
(c) “The Bill of Rights (1688) set the seal on Parliamentary supremacy in England.”
(d) “The unification of Italy completed...the destruction of the European order.”
6. Isolation of France constituted the keystone of Bismarck's foreign policy. Elucidate.
7. President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal” had the wit to start the political economy in a fresh, more promising direction". Do you agree ?
8. Trace the growth of militarism in Japan in the inter-war years. What international reaction did it provoke ?