(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (2002)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (2002)
Paper-I- History-2002 (Mains)
Section A
1. Mark any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you and write short descriptive notes
on the places plotted by you on the map:
(i) Ajanta
(ii) Bodh Gaya
(iii) Dholavira
(iv) Dwarka
(v) Girnar
(vi) Hastinapur
(vii) Kanchipuram
(viii) Kosambi
(ix) Madurai
(x) Malkhed
(xi) Mohanjodaro
(xii) Nalanda
(xiii) Purushpur
(xiv) Ropar
(xv) Sanchi
(xvi) Sravanbelgola
(xvii) Sravasti
(xviii) Tanjore
(xix) Thaneswar
(xx) Varanasi
2. Analyze the elements of urban civilization in the harappan Culture. What factors were responsiblefor its decline?
3. Examine the nature of the mauryan State. Bring out the features of their administrative system.
4. Examine the proficiency of the ancient Indians in various crafts, science and mathematics.
Section B
5. Write short essays in not more than 200 words each on any three of the following topics:.
(a) Origin of the Bhakti Movement
(b) Babarnama as a source of history
(c) Mansabdari System
(d) Consequences of the Third Battle of Panipat
6. Discuss balban’s concept of kingship. How was it modified by Aluddin Khalji?
7. Trace the evolution of the religious views of Akbar. Write a note on his policy of Sulh-i-kul.
8. Explain the principal features of architecture during Akbar’s rule. What changes were made in them
by Shahjahan ?
Paper-II- History-2002 (Mains)
Section A
1. Comment on any Three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) “The verdict at Plassey was confirmed by the English victory at Buxar”.
(b) “India broke her British fetters with Western hammers”.
(c) “Gandhi restrained mass movements, yet he retained his popularity among the masses.
(d) “The ideology of Subhash Chandra Bose was a combination of nationalism, fascism and
2. “The rise and expansion of British empire was an accident rather than the result of a deliberate policy and design.” Critically examine this statement.
3. “The recurring famines in the 19th century were the inevitable consequence of the British policy and expose the real character of the paternal solicitude for the peasantry on the part of the British administration.” Examine this statement critically.
4. Discuss the nature of the leadership and programme of the Congress Socialist party.
Section B
5. Comment on any Three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) The Renaissance was the discovery of the world and of man.
(b) If monarchical misrule ignited the French Revolution, lofty ideas both inspired and sustained
(c) The Great Depression (1928-34) was attended by momentous consequences in the economic
as well as in the political sphere.
(d) “One of the most important consequences of the Second World War was ‘division of
Europe’, eastern and western.”
6. “Napoleon kindled the national sentiment, but German unity was achieved by Bismarck.” Discuss.
7. Examine the circumstances in china in the years 1945-49. What did the United States do to resolve the conflict between the Nationalists and the Communists there?
8. Discuss the main factors leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union.