(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1986)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1986)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1986 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following is not more than 200 words on each
(a) Pre-established harmony of monads.
(b) Russell’s Theory of Description.
(c) Kants theory of subjectivity of space and time.
(c) ‘Reason to the conscious certainty at being all reality.’ (Hegel)
2. Elucidate phenomenological analysis of consciousness and distinguish it from the Existentialist View of Consciousness.
3. Explain and examine the view held by David Hume that the proposition ‘A causes B’ means ‘the impression of A causes the idea of B’.
4. Elucidate and examine the view that the class of a priori propositions is coextensive with that of analytic propositions.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words on each: -
(a) Svalaksana.
(b) Two definitions of Brahman according to the Advaita Vedanta
(c) Parananus according to the Vasisesika system.
(d) God as conceived in Nyaya.
6. Explain the Buddhist theory of perception and compare it with that of Nyaya.
7. Give a critical account of main -Indian theories concerning the nature of meaning of words.
8. Is Syadvada a consistent logical theory? Discuss.
Paper-II- Philosophy-1986 (Mains)
1. Give critical comments on any three of the following views is not more than 200 words eh:
(a) All political ideologies are irrelevant to the needs of modern States.
(b) Quick disorganization and defeat are bound to be the fate of bolstered up and artificial
agitations, if the battle is fought with Satyagraba weapons
(c) If the Passing of slow quantita0 changes into rapid and abrupt qualitative changes is a law of
deve1op then it is clear that revolutions made by oppressed classes are a quite natural and
inevitable phenomenon
(d) Whether the leader ship of society be in the hands of those who monopolize learning, or
wield the Power of riches or as the sources of its Power is always the subject masses. By so
much as the class in power severs itself from this source, by so much is it sure to become
2. Examine Jawaharlal Nehru’s ideas on democracy with special reference to his view that if democracy means surrendering one’ judgment to the crowd then let this democracy go to hell.
3. Discuss the various forms of totalitarianism examining their views on human freedom.
4. What would you regard as the traditional value of Indian society? Can these be reconciled with the Pressing needs to modernize the society? Discuss
5. Write comments on any three of the following is not more than 200 words each
(a) Philosophy of religions is most a branch of the of theology, but a powerful weapons
for its elimination.
(b) Religion is one’s way of valuing most comprehensively and intensively
(c) Faith is a Way of knowing
(d) Moksa is not, the dissolution of the world but only the disappearance of a false Outlook about
the word
6. Is religious language non-cognitive in character? Give reasons for your answer.
7. What is Secularism? Discuss its impact or Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Sikhism in modern India.
8. What is Evil and what exactly is the problem about Evil in Religion? Discuss weather the Judaic Christain faith has a satisfactory solution to offer to this problem.