(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1987)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1987)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1987 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words on each:
(a) Language game (Wittgenstein)
(b) The Absurd (Existentialism)
(c) Cogito ergo sum (Descartes)
(d) Abstract Idea (Berkeley)
2. Explain and critically examine the metaphysical position of Spinoza.
3. Explain and examine Kant’s view of Things in Them- selves.
4. ‘The immediate objects of perception are not material objects but sense impressions. Comment on the above statement.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words ones each
(a) Relation between purusa and prakrti in Samkhya.
(b) Akhyati yada.
(c) Linga - paramaria.
(d) Sabdabodha of grammarians.
6. Compare and contrast the views of Nyaya and Buddhist logicians regarding the nature and function of pramana.
7. Explain the view that a word means a Universal and show how the Buddhists have redacted to this position.
8. ‘Ordinary knowledge involves superimposition and hence is ultimately not valid.’ Comment on the
above statement
Paper-II- Philosophy-1987 (Mains)
1. Give critical comments on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) There can be no successful democratic, society till general education conveys a philosophic
out look.
(b) The State is the guarantor of security - both internal and external ‘but it is also the Custodian
and transmitter of the spirit of the people as it has grown up through the centuries in language
in Customs and in faith. And the State is not only a living reality of the present it is also
linked with the past, and above all with the future and thus transcends the brief limits of
individual life.
(c) A teacher, a singer a craftsman and farmer each will follow his vocation. The village will
give each a share from the annual harvest. All will feel as one and share a common life.
(d) Indeed, if pa towards the master petted Leninism might have claimed to have stood
Marxism on its head, as Marks Claimed to have stood the Hegelian Dialectic on its feet.
2. What is Satyagra? What are the condidtions for its success and its different techniques? Discuss
3. Bring out the basic characteristics of modernization Discuss the various problems confronted by the Indian society in ting to modernize itself, and suggest appropriate remedies, if any, giving reasons for Your answer.
4. What is Teorrism? Can Teorism be justified in any sense as a method of political action? Give reasons for your answer
5. Write comments on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) When a man tells some that God has spoken to him in a dream, this is no more than to say he
dreamed that God spoke to him.
(b) Faith is the state of being ultimately concerned.
(c) Flew has shown that a blink does not consist in an assertion or system of them; but
nevertheless it is very important to have the right bilk.
(d) Evil represents the going wrong of something that in itself is good.
6. Explain the nature and scope of Philosophy of Religion. How is it different from Theology? Discuss
7. What is moksa-and what are its different paths? Can any particular path be regarded as better than the other so far as moksa is concerned? Discuss.
8. Examine the hypothesis that the great religions are all, at their experiential roots, in contact with some ultimate divine reality; can there be religious tolerance in Practice on the basis of such hypothesis? Give reasons for your answer.