(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1989)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1989)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1989 (Mains)
1. Comment critically is nor more that 200 words each, on any three of the following statements:
(a) Metaphysics is finding of bad reasons for what we believe on instinct.
(b) What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence.
(c) The ‘trae’ is only the expedient in the way of our thinking. Just as the right is only the
expedient in the way of our behaving.
(d) What the call freedom is impossible to distinguish from the being of human reality. Man does
not exist first, in order to be free, man is freedom.
2. Distinguish clearly between Menaing, Reference and Truth. Explain the picture theory of Meaning, comparing it with the Verifiability theory.
3. Define Jdealism ‘distinguishing carefully between Panpsychism, Transcendental Idealism and Absolutism. In what sense is Platonic realism also a form of idealism?
4. Explain the various phases of modem realism. Discuss in what sense the philosophy of Bertrand Russell can be called realistic.
5. Explain in not more than 200 words each, any three the following along with criticism, if any:
(a) The Jaina doctrine of nava
(b) Arthakriyakaritva
(c) Samvrti and paramartha
(d) Atheism of the Mimamsakas.
6. Critically examine the nayaya doctrine of inference.
7. Explain the various views in Indian Philosophy regarding the nature and validity of sabdapramana.
8. Treating Ramanuja’s critique of the Maya doctrine as a purvapaksa view, how would you, if you
were an Advaitin, answer his criticisms?
Paper-II- Philosophy-1989 (Mains)
1. Give critical comments on any three of the following views in not more than 200 words each.
(a) Life is not determined by Philosophy but Philosophy by life.
(b) Real Swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by few but by the acquisition of the
capacity by all to resist authority when abused
(c) Ruler ship is a trust for the whole community that seeks to lay the foundation of human
happiness by maintaining peace and order
(d) Justice is the interest of the stronger
2. What is the paradox of democracy? What attempts have been made to resolve it?
3. Can a citizen ever disobey his government? Answer according to Fascism Communism and Sarvodaya and explain the values that justify civil disobedience
4. What is Modernity? How is it influencing the traditional structure of Indian society? Discuss with special reference to the Village society.
5. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each.
(a) Theologians have always taught that Gods Decrees are good, and that this is not a mere
tautology it follows that goodness is logically independent of God’s decrees.
(b) The doctrine of, creation rightly understood, gives ‘shape to the hope of triumph over death
as involving some perpetuation of distinct entities.
(c) We may have to use the language of parable and metaphor in religion but the reference all the
same is to something we take to be real.
(d) Bhakti is a mode of knowledge
6. Discuss the relationship between Faith and Reason.
7. What is the problem of evil? What is the free-will solution of the problem? How far is this solution justified?
8. What is religious tolerance? Discuss its metaphysical and theological basis?