(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1992)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1992)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1992 (Mains)
1. Explain in not more that 200 words each, any three of the following statements, stating with
argument whether you support the view expressed therein or not:
(a) There are necessarily alternative views and standpoints in philosophy.
(b) Everything in the universe is so perfectly timed and so harmonious: God must be a
(c) The life of most men is but a continuous struggle for existence, a struggle which they are
bound to lose at last. We as we below soap bubbles as long and as large as we can, though we
know with absolute certainty that they must break at last.
(d) Hegel’s view stands on its head; it must be turned right side up again.
2. Discuss Kant’s theory of reality. How does he attempt to reconcile the claims of scrence, philosophy and religion? Ascertain if he succeeds in his task.
3. Can there be an epistemology without metaphysics and a logic without ontology? Examine the various facets of this controversy in XXth century Western thought.
4. Critically examine Marxism as
(a) a system of metaphysics
(b) an ideology and
(c) a philosophy of history and society. What in your estimation, is the future of Maxism as a
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following views in not more than 200 words each:
(a) The Carvaka system is not a consistent metaphysic; it is only a curde form of hedonism.
(b) Mayavada of Advaita is only a re-statement of Sunyavada of the Madhydyanika system with
monor modifications
(c) There is no need dfor God in Samkhya and Yogas systems, as these are fully self-consistent
even without the idea of God.
(d) Vijnanavada can be regarded as a later development of Sunyavada.
6. Explain the conceptions of the soul of the self with special reference to the schools of Buddhism, Samkhya, Nyaya and the Vedantic systems.
7. Explain and critically examine the nature, conditions and validity of pratyaksapramana according to the Nyaya and Vijnanavada schools.
8. Bring out the main points of difference between the philosophies of Sankara and
Paper-II- Philosophy-1992 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Role of intuition in Philosophy
(b) Philosophy and Culture.
(c) philosophical basis of Communism
(d) Limitations of Constitutionalism.
2. Consider critically the view that Democracy and Socialism cannot go together.
3. When Satyagraha fails, terrorism emerges. Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons for your answer.
4. Discuss the nature and implications of the present change in the family life in India.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words:
(a) Buddhism as Godless Religion
(b) Place of Morality in Religion
(c) Religious tolerance
(d) The path of Knowledge.
6. Discuss critically the distinction between Theology and Philosophy of Religion and bring out the range of the former.
7. State and examine the ontological argument for the existence of God.
8. Discuss the main theories of the interpretation of religious language.