(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1996)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1996)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1996 (Mains)
1. Discuss any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Human being is always “ahead of himself”. (Heidegger)
(b) The dogma of the ghost in a machine.
(c) “I think; therefore I am”.
(d) Distinction between Solipsism and Skepticism.
(e) Method of phenomenological reduction.
2. What especial import does the word existence have in the philosophy of existentialism? Explain.
3. What do you understand by Kant’s claim that space and time are forms of pure intuition? Explain the arguments he gives in support of his position in this regard.
4. What argument does mctaggard give to establish that context the role of his principle of determining
Give a critical evolution of Wittgenstein’s ideas of ‘language game’ and family resemblance.
5. Discuss any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Madhyamika notions of Paramartha-Satya and Samvrti–Satya.
(b) Arthapatti
(c) Alaukika pratyaksa
(d) Asat-Khyati
(e) Samkara’s doctrime of maya.
6. Describe the central thesis of Vijnanavada. Discuss in this context Yogacara’s arguments for affirming the sole reality of consciousness and denying the independent reality of external world.
7. Explain the samkhya conceptions of Prakrti. Discuss the role it play in the Samkhya metaphysic.
8. While describing the chief tenets of the mimansa metaphysics, critically consider its view in respect
of the reality to the phenomenal word.
Give an account of the nature of Brahman according to Ramanuja. How does he differ from
Paper-II- Philosophy-1996 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following not more than 200 words each
(a) Culture as an expression of philosophy
(b) Revaluation through Constitutionalism
(c) Philosophical aspects of Sarvodaya
(d) Emotive meaning in religious language
2. Bring out the nature of philosophy, in the light of the Socratic dictum: “Unexamined life is not worth living:’
3 Discuss critically the relation between philosophical and social aspects of communism
4. Identify the traditional Indian values which need to be fostered by modem Indian family. How can these values be fostered?
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) Religious Tolerance in Hinduism
(b) Difference between Theology and Philosophy of Religion.
(c) Ontological Argument for the existence of God
(d) The Path of Knowledge
6. Describe the characteristics of mystical experience and indicate its religious and Philosophical implications
7. Should there be evil in a world governed by God? Discuss with reference to Hinduism and Christianity
8. Bring out the universal aspects of religious life with reference to Hinduism Christianity and Islam.