(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1998)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1998)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1998 (Mains)
1. Critically comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Interactionism
(b) Esse est percipi
(c) Theory of person
(d) Logical atomism
2. Explain and examine Plato’s theory of ideas.
3. How does Moore refute idealism? Critical1 evaluate.
4. Critically discuss Avers view on metaphysics.
5. Discuss any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) “The soul is nothing but the conscious body”
(b) Ekntavada and Anekantavada
(c) Doctrine of plurality of purusas
(d) “He who knows Brhman becomes Brahman’
6. Discuss the nature and structure of inference according to the Nyaya philosophy and explain the importance of the various steps of parathanumana.
7. Explain the nature of Brahman according to Ramanuja and discuss the relationship of Brahmans with jiva.
8. Give a critical account of Madva Vedanta.
Paper-II- Philosophy-1998 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Socialistic Humanism
(b) Gender Injustice
(c) Retributivist justification of punishment
(d) Scientific Progres
2. Explain Bodin’s principle of absolute sovereignty. What was his argument for preferring monarchical sovereignty over democratic sovereignty? Consider in this context whether his advocacy of undivided sovereignty was consistent with his belief in constitutionalism
3.Some philosophers believe that the task of political philosophy is only conceptual i.e. to analyze concepts which are typically political, such as justice’, ‘equality’, ‘right and the like. Some others believe that the task is inescapably normative which requires political philosophers to formulate and defend substantive principles which can serve to answer normative questions concerning different political ideals such as social justice, individual freedom and rights and the like. In the above context state and defend what you think is the proper task of political philosophy.
4. The nation of justice is usually divided into distributive and retributive justice. Explain the distinction and critically discuss the grounds on which the distinction is made.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) Common consent argument for the existence of God
(b) Place of Prayer in religion
(c) Atheistic Religion
(d) Logic and Mysticism
6. Suppose the traditionally received arguments for the existence of God are all fallacious. Would that prove non-existence of God? If your answer is in the negative then consider whether there can be a proof for God’s nonexistence.
7. Religion is generally viewed to be based on beliefs in the supernatural. But some thinkers (e.g. Augusta Comte, John Dewey, Huxley, Erich Fromm) reject the supernatural and try naturalistic reconstruction of religion. Critically consider some of the major attempts in this direction.
8. Explain the significance of the doctrine of reincarnation in the Indian religious thought. Examine the chief arguments give in support of the doctrine.