(Notification) ANNA UNIVERSITY COIMBATORE | Application for Senior Engineering Research Fellowship(SERF)in various departments
Application for Senior Engineering Research Fellowship(SERF)in various
(Estd.Under Act No.42 of 2006 by the Government of Tamil Nadu)
Excellence in Technical Education and Research
Mettupalayam Road, Jothipuram, Coimbatore-641 047
Ph: 0422-6545566
Website: www.annauniv.ac.in
Anna University Coimbatore invites application for Senior Engineering Research
Fellowship(SERF)in various departments:
Total number of fellowships – 75
Stipend: The candidates selected have to register for Ph.D. and such candidates
will be paid consolidated stipend of Rs.10000/- per month, for a period of three
General Instruction: The application form together with instructions may be
downloaded from the website: www.annauniv.ac.in
in separate application should be sent for each department. Completed
applications along with a DD for Rs.500/-(Rs.250/-in the case of the SC/ST
candidates)drawn in favour of THE REGISTRAR, ANNA UNIVERSITY COIMBATORE payable
at Coimbatore should be sent to The Registrar, Anna University, coimbatore,M
ettupalayam Road, Jothipuram, Coimbatore-641 047
By Registered post with acknowledgement due or by speed post and the envelope
containing the application should be superscribed on the left hand top corner as
Application for senior Engineering research Fellowship in the Department
For detailed information and application refer to: www.annauniv.ac.in