Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 20 October 2018
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 20 October 2018
Q1. The Centre and the States of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh have in several meetings through the year declared a “zero tolerance” policy on the burning of stubble for farmers.
Which of the following can be regarded as the harmfull effects of stubble burning to the environment:
1) Damage to electrical and electronic equipment from floating threads of
conducting waste.
2) Risk of fires spreading out of control
3) Loss of nutrients.
4) Pollution from smoke.
a) 1,2 & 3 only
b) 2,3 & 4only
c) 1,3 & 4only
d) all ofthe above
Q2. The HAZMAT programme recently seen in news refers to which of the following :
a) Indo-Bhutan military exercise taking place in gangtok.
b) It is an ultraviolet survey of red dwarfs stars at three different ages.
c) Initiative by Saudi rulers for bringing in gender inequality in the state.
d) ISRO’s overseas mission to send Bangladeshi satellites to the earth’s orbit.
Q3. Consider the following statements regarding NBFC’s :
1) RBI has permitted banks to use government securities, equal to their
incremental outstanding credit to NBFCs, over and above their outstanding credit
to meet the liquidity coverage ratio requirement.
2) NBFC’s can now invest in agricultural, industrial activity, sale-purchase,
construction of immovable property also.
3) An NBFC is not a part of the payment & settlement system in India.
Which of the above statements are true ?
a) 1 & 2only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3only
d) all of the above
Q4. Which of the following persons are associated with the temple entry movement of 1924 :
1) Sri Narayana Guru
2) N.Kumaran Asan
3) TK Madhavan
4) Subramanya Aiyyar
a) 1,2 & 3 only
b) 2,3 & 4only
c) 1,3 & 4only
d) all of the above
Q5. Which of the following statements regarding RTE act 2009 are true ?
1) The RTI act says 25% of seats should be reserved for students of weaker
sections and disadvantaged groups in private schools.
2) Though the Act does not speak of penal action against private schools if they
fail to reserve the requisite seats, steps would be taken to withdraw
recognition to offending schools.
3) As per Section 12 (2) of the RTE Act, the government should reimburse the
expenditure incurred by private schools for admitting students free of cost.
a) 1 & 2only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3only
d) all of the above
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1(d), 2(b), 3(c), 4(a), 5(d)