(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (2000)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (2000)

Paper-I- Geology-2000 (Mains)


1. Write short answers (within 200 words) for any three of the following:
(a) What is the principle of dating very old rocks on the Earth?
(b) Define Peninsula and Extra-peninsula with reference to India.
(c) What do you understand by Geomorphic cycles?
(d) Draw a stress and strain ellipsoid for a deformed rock.

2. Differentiate between:
(a) Hawaiian and Strombolian type volcanic eruptions
(b) Mobile belts and shields
(c) Lower mantle and Upper mantle
(d) Primary and Secondary seismic waves

3. Describe the steps through which present configuration of the Earth Have evolved. Discuss the most recent view, in this regard.

4. Briefly describe the following:
(a) Mid - Atlantic Ridge
(b) Origin of oceans and continents
(c) Fluvial landforms
(d) Monocline and Homocline


5. Write brief answers (within 200 words) for any three of the following:
(a) Make a list of functional differences between vertebrates and invertebrates.
(b) Write the standard stratigraphic time-scale beginning from the oldest. (Give most recent classification).
(c) What are the benthic and plapktonic organisms?
(d) What is the origin of the following geological names:
(i) Siwalik (ii) Gondwana (iii) Gondite
(iv) Khondalite (iv) Jurassic

6. How are the fossils formed? Describe the mechanism by which organic content of the once living matter gets preserved in rock records.

7. Discuss the reasons for absence of marine Pa1aeozoic rocks in Peninsular India, except for a narrow strip in central India.

8. Write short answers to the following:
(a) How are unfossiliferous rocks of two or more sections correlated?
(b) What are the major differences between Lower and Upper Gondwana flora?
(c) Which are the most controversial stratigraphic boundaries?
(d) What are the characteristic morphological differences between the gastropods and brachiopods?

Paper - II- Geology-2000 (Mains)


1. In about 200 words each, write notes on any three of the following:
(a) Space lattices
(b) Uniaxial and Biaxial Indicatrix
(c) Types of magmas and their composition
(d) Digenesis and Lithification

2. Give the chemical composition and optical properties of Felspathoid group of minerals. Name the rocks containing the minerals of this group.

3. Enumerate the generation and evolution of different magmas.

4. Describe the different environments of sediments deposition. Give examples of rocks formed in each of them.


5. In about 200 words each, write notes on any three of the following:
(a) ACE diagrams and their utility
(b) Skarns and related mineral deposits
(c) Conservation of minerals
(d) Shrinkage and sublevel stopping

6. Give an account of the petroleum deposits of western India with reference to their geological setting, mode of occurrence, nature of crude oil and their potentiality.

7. What are chamockites and how do they originate ? Give salient features of Indian charnockites.

8. Write explanatory notes on the following in brief:
(a) Application of aerial photographs in geological studies
(b) Exploration techniques applied to mineral deposits
(c) Types of aquifers