(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (2002)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (2002)
Paper-I- Geology-2002 (Mains)
1. Answer any three of the following, each within 200 words:
(a) What is geochronology? How is it used for the benefit of the earth-science studies ?
(b) Show how structure and litho logy are o architects of morphology of landforms.
(c) What is Geographic Information Systems and how is it applied for societal benefits ?
(d) Plunge of folds and direction of movement in fault-planes can be traced by some
lineation. There are other lineation as well produced during folding/faulting episodes. Describe theselifleations.
2. Why are volcanoes associated with ‘Ring of fire’ ? Discuss the genesis of a volcano and write a note on their products.
3. Describe:
(a) Geomorphologic studies can be applied to Prospecting of minerals, civil constructional
(b) Aerial photographs and satellite imageries considerably assist the economies of a country.
4. (a) How are faults identified in the field ?
(b) Classify faults based on their geometry and movement.
(c) Which landform types are produced by faulting?
5. Write on any three of the following, each within 200 words
(a) Evolution of suture-lines of Cephalopods
(b) What are Outlier, Window, Tatrot beds and Gangamopteris?
(c) Upper Cretaceous - Lower Eocene igneous activity in India
(d) Ground -water recharge
6. Write critical notes on the following
(a) Geological history of Graptoloids
(b) Fossil-study and Palaeoclimate inference
(c) Lower Gondwana flora
(d) Progressive changes in the evolution of horse
7. (a) Litho-, bio-, chrono- and magneto- stratigraphic studies suggest different aspects of
stratigraphy. Comment.
(b) Describe the Precambrian stratigraphy of Peninsular India.
8. (a) While certain rocks are excellently water-bearing, others do exist without containing a drop
of water. Discuss if this is possible.
(b) (i) What aspects a geologist should investigate for selecting a tunnel site on a hill-slope ?
(ii) Which rocks are chosen for heavy construction purpose?
Paper - II- Geology-2002 (Mains)
1. In about 200 words each, explain any three of the following:
(a) Give an account of twinning in minerals
(b) Diopside-anorthite system
(c) Fades of regional metamorphism
(d) Heavy minerals and their significance
2. Give the chemical composition and optical properties of Amphihole group of minerals. Add a note on their classification
3. Write explanatory notes on the following:
(a) Give classification and describe petrography and petrogenesis of
(b) ACF and AKF diagrams and their utility
4. Give the classification of sandstones. Add a note on their depositional environment.
5. In about 200 words each, write notes on any three of the following :
(a) Controls of ore localization
(b) Types of chemical bonds
(c) Explain the techniques of sampling
(d) Pollution of sea
6. Write notes on the following, in brief:
(a) Conservation and utilization of mineral resources
(b) Describe briefly the geology and structure of the Bombay High Petroleum Resources.
Comment on their economic importance
7. Write notes on the following :
(a) Give an account of the important methods of mining of metallic ores
(b) Describe the mineralogy, geology and ore genesis of copper deposits of Khetri Mines
8. Write explanatory notes on the following :
(a) Structure and composition of the Earth.
(b) Impact of natural hazards on environment. Mitigating measures of any one of these natural