Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 02 MARCH 2019
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams - 02 MARCH 2019
Q1. Which of the following statements with respect to International humanitarian law under Geneva convention are true ?
1) The Geneva Conventions are a series of treaties concluded in Geneva
between 1864 and 1949 for the purpose of ameliorating effects of war on soldiers
and civilians.
2) The third Geneva convention asserted that PoWs be given humane treatment and
adequate feeding, forbidding the belligerents to apply undue pressure on
prisoners to supply more than a minimum of information.
3) A major drawback to the provisions of the Geneva convention is that they are
not applicable to maritime warfares, since the major global powers have blocked
its ratification.
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q2. Which of the following statements regarding solar winds and their effects of on our solar system are true ?
1) The solar wind washes over the planets, moonsand other bodies in our solar
system, filling a bubble of space called theheliospherethat extends far past the
orbit of Pluto.
2) Since the solar wind is magnetised, Earth's natural magneticfield deflects
the solar wind particles around our planet so that only a smallfraction of them
reach our planet's atmosphere.
3) Unlike Earth, the Moon has no global magnetic field.However, magnetised rocks
near the lunar surface do create small, localized spots of magnetic field that
extend anywhere from hundreds of yards to hundredsof miles.
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q3. Which of the following statements potraying the achievements & recent initiatives by the railways are true ?
1) In the past five years, the Government has made safety the foremost
priority of Indian Railways. Indian Railways has achieved its best ever safety
record in 2018-19 - there has been 81% drop in number of deaths from 2013-14 to
this year.
2) Offering its tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and contributing to Swachh Bharat
Abhiyaan, Railways has paid attention to hygiene with efforts such as record
installation of Bio-toilets, third party independent surveys, integrated
mechanized cleaning and On Board Housekeeping Service.
3) Rail Drishti dashboard has been launched, encompassing all the digitisation
efforts in Indian Railways and promoting transparency and accountability which
brings information from various sources on a single platform and gives access to
key statistics and parameters to every citizen of the country.
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q4. Consider the following statements regarding the Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE) :
1)The Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), formerly
National Council of Rural Institutes (NCRI), was established in 1995 as a
registered autonomous society in Hyderabad with the objective of promoting rural
higher education in a comprehensive manner by providing support to various rural
institutes across the country.
2) MGNCRE designs, develops and promotes curriculum inputs for higher education
programmes offered by Universities and Autonomous Institutions in India.
3) The curriculum inputs focus only on practical field-related activities
relevant to India.
Which of the above statements are true ?
a) 1 & 2 only
b) 2 & 3 only
c) 1 & 3 only
d) all of the above
Q5. Which of the following destinations is the first planned eco tourism project in India :
a) Jim Corbett national park,Uttarakhand
b) Thenmaladam,kerala
c) Galgibagabeach,Goa
d) Namdapha national park,ArunachalPradesh
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1(a), 2(d), 3(d), 4(a), 5(b)