(Paper) IFS - Indian Forest Service Agricultural Engineering Previous Year Paper (2007)
Paper : IFS - Indian Forest Service Agricultural Engineering Previous Year Paper (2007)
1. Answer any four subparts not exceeding 150 words for each subpart :
(a) Mention the causes of soil erosion in India. What measures you will
suggest to control the soil erosion ? (10)
(b) Define the runoff. What are the factors that affect the runoff? (10)
(c) Calculate the total capacity of the pond required in deep black soils
for 10 ha watershed if the mean annual rainfall is 500 mm and the mean annual
runoff is 10%. Assume siltation rate of 5 tonnes/halyear and a desiltation
period of 6 years. The bulk density of soil under wet conditions is 1.2gram/cc.
(d) What are the runoff samplers ? How they are important in soil and
water conservation research work? (10)
(e) Give a brief note about the extent of wind erosion in India. How the
wind erosion is harmful to the agricultural lands ? (10)
2. (a) Show with a diagram the different components of
a permanent soil conservation drop structure. What role is played by each
component? (10)
(b) State the Rational formula for estimating the peak rate of runoff
from the small watersheds. List out the basic assumptions made under the
Rational formula. (10)
(c) Mention the possible reasons of error in the measurement of rainfall
from the Syphon and Float type of recording gauges. (10)
(d) Illustrate with figure the rainfall pattern in India and how they
influence the quantum and the mode of runoff generation. (10)
3. (a) What are the steps involved in the design of
the contour bunds ? How these parameters can be estimated ? (10)
(b) Classify Bench Terraces and write the conditions under which each
type will be suitable. (10)
(c) What are the sheet and nil erosions and how they are harmihi to the
agricultural lands ? (10)
(d) Write short notes on :
(i) Remote sensing and
(ii) G.I.S. (10)
4. (a) What points you will consider while selecting a
site for the construction of a farm pond? (10)
(b) Write short notes on :
(i) Saltation and
(ii) Suiface creep in wind erosion. (10)
(c) Write in brief about the Erosion Index and Kinetic Energy of natural
rainfall, their utility and measurement. (10)
(d) What is the use of water stage level recorder? Explain the mechanism
of Stevens ‘F’ type stage level recorder. (10)
5. Answer any four subparts not exceeding 150 words for each subpart
(a) Classify different methods of irrigation stating suitability of each
under different situations of crop, water and soil conditions. (10)
(b) What is the Booster Pump ? What role does it play in a sprinkler
irrigation ? (10)
(c) List out the characteristics of centrifugal pumps. (10)
(d) A prefabricated concrete channel section used for lining an
irrigation channel has the following specification:-
Bottom width 17.5 cm, Top width 20 cm and. height 17.5 cm. Calculate the
carrying capacity of the section when the channel slope is 0,2%. Take the
Manning’s ‘n’ as 0.01. (10)
(e) Write about the suitability of the Parshall flume over Weir as a flow
measuring device: (10)
6. (a) Write in brief about the management of clogging
problems in drip irrigation. (10)
(b) What do you understand by the term ‘lining of irrigation
channels’ ? What is the necessity for lining the irrigation channels ? State
the different materials used the lining the water course with their relative
merits and demerits. (10)
(c) Mention four types of irrigation efficiency with expressions to
calculate each. (10)
(d) What are the requirements of a good storage structure for the
scientific storage of foodgrains? (10)
7. (a) Draw a neat diagram showing different types of
aquifers. Indicate and explain the various types of wells that result from these
aquifers. (15)
(b). An irrigation stream of 30 liters per second is diverted to a check
basin of size 12 m × 10 m. The water holding capacity of the soil is 15%. The
average soil moisture content in the root zone prior to applying water is 7%.
How long should the irrigation stream be applied in the basin to replenish root
zone moisture to its field capacity, assuming no loss, due to deep percolation ?
The depth of root zone may be assumed 1.0 in. The apparent specific gravity of
the soil is 1.5. (15)
(c) What is the function of a foot valve in a
centrifugal pump? Mention principal causes of pump troubles with remedies.(10)
8. (a) Mention different types of tile drainage system
with suitable diagram. (10)
(b) What is a greenhouse? How does the greenhouse effect occur inside the
greenhouse Give some salient features of a computerised control greenhouses.
(c) Write a note on the use of plastic pipes for drainage. (10)
(d) Write in brief about the utility of pen barns on the dairy farm. (10)
1. Write short notes, not exceeding 150 words each, on any Four of the
following :
(a) Radiator Pressure cap. (10)
(b) Starting aids used in diesel tractors. (l0)
(c) Paddy drum seeder. (10)
(d) Savonius wind rotor. (10)
(e) Solar photo-voltanic cells. (10)
2. (a) Draw P-V diagram of an ideal diesel cycle
indicating the different events. Mark the swept. volume and clearance volume in
the diagram. Also draw an actual P-V diagram and explain the causes for its
deviation from the ideal cycle for a 4-stroke cycle engine. (15)
(b) With the help of a diagram, explain the working of a conventional
differential as used in the rear wheel driven tractors. What is the function of
a differential lock? (15)
(c) Explain with a diagram the working of bypass type
lubricating oil filtering system as adopted in modern tractor engines. (10)
3. (a) Explain the working of a power operated
flywheel type forage chaffcutter. How is power transmitted to the feed rolls 7
How do you determine the theoretical capacity of the chaffcutter? (15)
(b) What is producer gas ? With a schematic diagram explain the working
of a down draft type gasifier. (10)
(c) With a neat sketch, explain the working of a tractor mounted
hydraulic sprayer. How does a hollow cone nozzle differ from the solid cone
nozzle? How do you determine the field capacity of the sprayer ? (15)
4. (a) If a farmer can hire a 7.5 kW power tiller with operator for Rs.
85 per hour for tilling operation, how many hours per year must he operate to
justify the purchase of this power unit? Take initial cost of powertiller with
rotavator Rs. 1,20,000; useful service life 15 years diesel fuel consumption 1 5
liters/hour; and operator’s wages Rs. 75 per day. Assume any other data if
required. (15)
(b) Explain the procedure to select a suitable size of electric motor for
running a centrifugal pump for lifting water from shallow well. (10)
(c) Draw the sectional view of a fixed dome type biogas plant and show
the different components. Calculate the required size of digester for a 3 in3
capacity biogas plant using retention period as 50 days. (15)
5. Write short notes, not exceeding 150 words each, on an low of the following :
(a) Homogeization of milk (10)
(b) Extraction of oil from rice bran (10)
(c) Strain gauge torque sensor (10)
(d) Vapor compression refrigeration system. (10)
(e) Computer memory. (10)
6. (a) Calculate the amount of moisture evaporated
from 100 kg of paddy grain from drying it from an initial moisture content of 22
per cent (wet basis) to final morsture content of 14 per cent on wet basis. (10)
(b) Explain the working of an absorption type hydraulic dynamometer. How
can this dynamnometer be used to measure the brake power of an engine ?
(c) What are the desirable qualities of packaging materials for foods?
Give most commonly used packaging materials, one each for milk, butter, baked
foods and tea and write their properties. (15)
7. (a) What is deep bed drying ? Explain with a
diagram the process of drying paddy grains using this technique. (10)
(b) With a block diagram, explain the generalised data acquisition
system. What are the factors that decide the configuration and sub systems of
data acquisition system ? (15)
(c) What is milk sterilisation ? How is it different from pasteurization?
With a flow chart, explain the preparation of in-bottle sterilized milk. (15)
8. (a) Explain the production of milk powder using a
spray dryer. Compare the milk prepared from whole milk powder with the fresh
milk in terms of shelf life and nutritive value. (15)
(b) What are thermocouples? How can it be used to measure the temperature
of a hot body ? Write two most commonly used materials for thermocouples and
give their temperature ranges. (15)
(c) Explain the working of a bucket elevator for handling small grains.
How do you determine the theoretical power requirement of a bucket elevator?