(Paper) Indian Forest Service Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences Previous Year Paper (2002)
Paper : IFS - Indian Forest Service Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences Previous Year Paper (2002)
1. Write short notes on any four of the following in not more than 150
(a) Growth stimulating substances (10)
(b) Semen diluents (10)
(c) Rumen microbes and their functions (10)
(d) Genotype x Environment interaction (10)
(e) Partitioning of feed energy (10)
2. Define climate and adaptation. Explain the methods of controlling the
climatic stress in crossbred cows and poultry. (40)
3. (a) “Suggest a scheme for supplying green fodder throughout the year
for a farm having adult dairy cows.” (20)
(b) Give sources and role of vitamin A, B and D in poultry nutrition.
4. Give reasons for the following:
(a) Ruminant body fat is harder (10)
(b) Milking is an art and a science (10)
(c) Sheep are regarded as cloven-hooved animals (10)
(d) Optimum dry period should be given to cows (10)
5. Write short notes on any four of the following in not more than 150
words :
(a) Milk synthesis (10)
(b) True wool fibre and hair (10)
(c) Heritability (10)
(d) Probiotics (10)
(e) Feeding of animals during draughts (10)
6. Define selection. Name various methods of selection. Discuss the
effectiveness and limitations of each method. (40)
7. (a) Advise the farmers in regard to essential details of feeding and
management of a milking cow yielding 10 liters of milk a day. (20)
(b) Name the records with their significance to be maintained on a dairy farm.
8. Define artificial Insemination. Outline the factors affecting quantity and
quality of semen. Discuss in brief the constraints, if any, in adoption of
‘Deep Frozen Semen’ technology under village conditions in India. (40)
1. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each
: (10 × 4 = 40)
(a) Classification of tissues.
(b) Mechanism of respiration.
(c) Grading of wool.
(d) Cured meat products.
(e) Chemotherapy in parasitic diseases.
2. Discuss the requirements of clean and safe milk production. (40)
3. Give a detailed account of occupational zoonoses. (40)
4. Discuss the importance of following in veterinary practice : (20 × 2 =
(a) Establishment of Animal Health Centres.
(b) Epidemiological features in study of spread of diseases.
5. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each
: (10 × 4 = 40)
(a) Anticoagulants.
(b) Differential Staining Techniques.
(c) Herd immunity.
(d) Housing for pregnant cows.
(e) BIS and AG Mark specifications.
6. Discuss and describe deficiency diseases in pregnant cows, their
preventive measures and control. (40)
7. Describe symptoms, pathogenesis and diagnosis of Rabies in a dog. Discuss
control measures of Rabies in animals. (40)
8. Give an account of: (20 × 2 = 40)
(a) Duties and functions of Veterinarian in wholesome meat production.
(b) Immunization of animals against viral diseases.